Keeping Up with Lindsay (please put all Lohan news here)

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This is interesting (and nauseating...), from :(

Imagine being paid hundreds of thousands just to sit and be a spectator?! Well, that’s part of the charmed life of Rihanna, who will be raking in some serious cash just by showing up to Fashion Week!

The singer will reportedly make $100,000 for each show that she sit front row at during next week’s Fashion Week in New York. And according to, Rihanna is the highest-paid “seat filler” out there right now. Beyonce is right up there, making anywhere between $80K-$100K per front-row appearance.

Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen are still considered big players, raking in $80,000 each as well. But it seems that these numbers depend on your popularity at a specific time. Case in point—Lindsay Lohan apparently used to be paid $60,000 to sit front row. But now, even though she’s a so-called fashion advisor for Ungaro, she isn’t paid squat to show up to shows anymore. has listed the celebs in order of their ranking. Just goes to show—celebs may think they’re A-list, but this should put them right in their place!


Rihanna ($100,000 or more)
Beyonce ($80,000-$100,000)
Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen ($80,000 each)
Julianne Moore ($60,000)
Maggie Gyllanhal ($60,000)
Chloe Sevigny ($60,000 or more)
Jennifer Lopez (circa 2005: $80,000; circa 2010: $30,000)
Lindsay Lohan (circa 2006: $60,000; circa 2010: UNINVITED)
ACTRESS Lindsay Lohan has been branded a "nutcase" by her billionaire host over her VIP demands at a high society ball.


Troubled star Lindsay Lohan, 23, will be the guest of veteran Viennese playboy Richard Lugner next week at the posh Opera Ball in Austria.

But LiLo has fallen out with her billionaire host following a series of bad-tempered exchanges over her transport arrangements, as reported by the Croatian Times.

First the star demanded a private jet to whisk her from Los Angeles to Vienna because she "just couldn't" take a scheduled flight.

She later rejected the £3.2million eight-seater Learjet offered by Lugner because it doesn't have a bed.

A bemused Lugner, 77, said: "She refuses to take a scheduled flight and told me I must get a private jet sorted out for her.

"But I haven’t got a choice, I suppose - because she’s a nutcase."

The tycoon added: "I managed to book an eight-seat jet, but she refused to accept it. She said it would be too uncomfortable and she would not be able to get any sleep when flying in it."

And LiLo is set for a massive fallout with newly-married glamour girl Katie Price, aka Jordan, who's also attending the event.

Lugner is trying to make sure the two women don't meet at the bash, after he confessed: "I doubt that Lindsay wants that."

Lugner has made an international name for himself inviting celebrities to attend the high society event.

Previous guests have included singer Grace Jones and Baywatch actress Pamela Anderson.

Jordan is attending the ball as the guest of marketing millionaires Irene and Alexander Mayer, who met her through Elton John's AIDS charity.
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^ And the Vegas Betting Line on this ever even happening is....? :unsure: And the Line on it happening and being a total train wreck??
The Opera Ball will be a mess. Can you imagine Lindsay sitting here all twitchy not having a clue whats going on :doh:

^ :o Boy, Lindsay better behave...I envision two big guys in black uniforms dragging her out kicking and screaming while Lunger yells "Take her to Prinz Albrecht Strasse!! I shall deal with her later!!!" :o
Michael Lohan confesses he’s a hoarder just like his daughter Lindsay!


We just spoke to Michael Lohan exclusively about his daughter Lindsay Lohan’s shocking revelation about her hoarding problem on The Insider Feb. 4 — and he tells us why she does it: “People that hoard don’t want to let go of things. They feel like they are abandoned!”
Michael also admits that hoarding runs in the family. “I hoard, ” he says. “I have clothes from the ’80s and people will say to me what are you doing with that sweater? I collect watches … I collect cowboy boots. I think everyone hoards in some way.” In the two-part interview — the second part airs Feb. 5, Lindsay shows The Insider her “clutter room” in her Beverly Hills condo. She has multiple racks of clothes, and boxes filled with with shoes, and other items. “I try not to come in here,” Lindsay tells The Insider. “That’s how bad it is. It gives me anxiety being in here. The clutter takes up a lot of space.”
Michael believes that there are two ways of looking at this, ” You can look at this from a psychological perspective and secondly from a human perspective,” he adamantly tells “People that hoard don’t want to let go of things. They feel like they are abandoned.”
Lindsay gets a lot of free gifts on a regular basis so that contributes to her abundance of items, “In Lindsay’s case she gets so much gratis, swag, boxes and boxes of clothes that she doesn’t even have a chance to go through,” says Michael.
Michael definitely can’t understand why Lindsay would take her story public, but he attributes it to the negative circle of individuals that surround Lindsay. “I think she was sucked into it [being on The Insider],” says Michael. “I don’t care what people say — my relationship may be a little strained at times but it’s because I don’t want her doing certain things. You’re not ever going to see me drinking in a club with my daughter. No one knows all the constant texts she sends me. Whenever she needs me I’m the first person she calls.”
Michael and Dina Lohan divorced in 2007 after 22 years of marriage and according to Michael this is definitely a huge factor in Lindsay’s out of control behavior. “The divorce destroyed the children,” admits Michael. “Lindsay has a court appearance on Feb. 18 and I’m definitely going to bring all of this to the attention of the judge.” – Chloe Melas

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the funny part about that twitter pic is that she wrotes :

see! my lips are just as they've always been :) lol-it's nuts that i feel the need to give proof! what is this world coming to!!** lol it was @jennidawnsays fault!


maybe she think we are all blind??? we should do a class act to oblige all surgeons/doctors stop /makingselling lindsay those lip's injection..:judge:
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ok...why did she feel the need to post this pic of herself where she may or may not be topless
its like she goes into things and says 'im gonna set the records straight and then i'm gonna start a new controversy'

like...ok, if you're gonna take a pic to try and prove something, why cant she do it while wearing a t-shirt?, rather than do it with her hair possibly covering her bare breasts?!
Oh, Lindsay, Lindsay.....:lol: I`m sure, she thinks that people don`t know how lips are look like after injections))) I think her fans, especially young 12-14 years old girls will believe her without any common wisdom. :shock:
Are you guys blind..!? I mean, her lips are the same size they've always been. She just got stung by some bees ;)....during,, yeah is anyone buying this?:rolleyes: :lol:
It must be scary for Samantha to live in the same building as Lindsay. If she's throwing stuff at Samantha in public, imagine what she gets up to in the privacy of the apartment building :ninja:
They live in the same building now? Since when? I thought Sam lived in that house I use to see Lindsay leave everyday in her picture thread.
I saw video on TMZ of Sam and Lindsay hanging out outside of a club. So whatever happened t seems to be forgotten. I don't know though if the video came before or after Sams "tweet"
the funny part about that twitter pic is that she wrotes :


maybe she think we are all blind??? we should do a class act to oblige all surgeons/doctors stop /makingselling lindsay those lip's injection..:judge:
No she doesnt think we are blind, but she think we are idiots. :lol:you dont even need to know what her lips use to look like before you can tell that these ones were injected. :rolleyes:
How can anyone with closets (rooms?) full of clothes like that go out looking so consistently awful? :blink:
Thank you for saying that. Because I was thinking the same thing. I just don't understand how you could have everything, but look like you have nothing (clothing wise). She almost always look bad and it makes no sense.
^She could pull a Becky Bloomwood on "Shopaholic takes Manhattan" and sell all of her cr*p. She just needs a few pairs of leggings after all.
Speaking of that movie is it good? I have it on blu ray, sadly I dont have a blu-ray player. lol
Yup...According to "Though she made it through 11th grade in public schools, Lindsay Lohan dropped out at that point, apparently to be home schooled. We're not entirely sure she ever got her GED, but based on her behavior lately, you just KNOW she got the finest education available."

A little off topic but...A couple of other notables who never made it to graduation: Paris (who indeed got a GED), Jessica Simpson (Dropped out but got a GED), Avril Lavigne (didn't finish), Mischa Barton did finish Children's Professional School in NYC which is like a special program for show biz kids, Britney Spears (didn't finish), Katharine McPhee (did finish and started college), Bruce Springsteen (did finish), Jennifer Lopez (did finish and went to college for business for a short time!), Leonardo DiCaprio (did not finish).
Pretty interesting...What is even more amazing to me is Jodie Foster and Henry Winkler who went to Yale (and still had amazing careers) and today Lily Cole (Cambridge) and Emma Watson (Brown University)...;)

I suppose the jury is still out on Ali Lohan and Taylor your bets... :rolleyes:
taylor momsen said she got her ged and is a sophomore at an online college. With ali. I dont know but I hope she is going to school because she has nothing going on for her career wise.
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