Keeping Up with Lindsay (please put all Lohan news here)

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I'm gleaning from the Samantha Ronson pic on the prior page that Lindsay picked up the furrowed-brow camera scowl pose from her. As our mothers said, "Don't make that dirty face, you might get stuck that way."

And though I can't say it's true for these two, there is a problem of unreported domestic violence in some lesbian relationships; a good friend of mine regularly beat her girlfriend until she quit drinking/received counseling. For a long time you didn't hear about it because of the "peaceful womyn" feminist myth, but fairly recently the LGBT Centers in the Bay Area had some prominent advertisements in local buses promoting awareness and offering resources to those affected by domestic violence. I don't think Sam and Linds ride the bus, though.

I can see Boomer's POV, though, you get that its hard to care for these celebrated folks, it's just spectacle so as to feel better about yourself. I haven't been posting on these forums for years because what I'd write really does say more about me than it ever would about Lindsay Lohan et. al. So I can only just wish her well, you know, and try to get back to my school work, lol.
I work at a cosmetic surgery office, and from the looks of it, I'd say she got a permalip implant. But thats just my opinion based on what I see people do to themselves every day. :innocent:
^ I agree, her lips are not going down, and you can see the implant shape when she talks - it's far too rigid to look natural. She pretty much had a perfect face :(

Here's a vid of her promoting her up coming club appearence. (with mandatory coke and vitamin water product placement)

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Story that Samantha Ronson was “violent” with Lindsay Lohan is “BS,” says the actress

RadarOnline, the same site that incorrectly reported last week that Lindsay Lohan threw a drink at Samantha Ronson at Crown Bar on Wednesday – a night Crown Bar is never even open – is now claiming, “Lindsay Lohan’s relationship with ex-girlfriend Samantha Ronson has turned violent.”

Without furnishing any specific time or place where Ronson was allegedly “violent” with Lohan, RadarOnline quotes an unnamed source saying, “One time I saw her [Lindsay] and she had a large welt on her head… She told me that Sam beat the (bleep) out of her… She also said that Sam even punched and choked her one time.”

Again, there isn’t a single detail, just a so-called “source” making allegations.

When Gossip Cop contacted Lohan last week about an equally erroneous story about Ronson punching her in the mouth, the actress told us exclusively, “None of that is true.”

And Lohan called these current, even more vague assertions “BS.”
^Yeah, most gossip is bored people making stuff up. It says more about the gossipmongers than the subject of the gossip. I get embarrassed even posting here.
Sounds like the gossip people better fact check a little better; here's the internet site for Crown Bar which "is never even open on Wednesdays.." :rolleyes:

Just got off the phone w/Pro Wrestler,Eic Watts,gearing up for a huge charity wrestling event in Vegas.Hope you all come out and join us. More info to come. Will be on Pay Per View as well as part bof a show. I am honored to help in ur efforts against sexual predators.I have seen the effects on people and how it has eaten them up&taken life away. The event will touch lives&bring change 2victims,Human trafficking&this horrible crime r so closely coneccted I will bring alot 2 the table. @Lindsaylohan India andf Haiti were good starts, but NOW you have to focus on finding YOU. the LINDSDAY THAT STARTED and rose to the top @Lindsaylohan Good job Linds.Keep giving back and what you NEED ( according to God) will be given to you. RT @kirstiealley: I hate TMZ...they are so mean to actors...being mean to MANY of my friends...F them!!! THEY ARE assholes....PLEASE DON ... @kirstiealley Go get em Kirstie. Harvey has NO sense of moral decency and as an attorney, he sure uses and abuses his 1st amendemnt rights @kirstiealley Jarrett, Kaitlin and Mike Walters r decent people but God knows Harvey uses his position to corrupt others & abuse his power Let all things be done decently and in order.1 Corinthians 14: 39-40 Let's all try to get along and treat others like we want to be treated. @RealSovage ...Won G my Bro. Good to hear from you. Heading to ur homeland &have a number of events planned in Vegas,NY, LA Costa &Hawaii . @RealSovage Asked to Rep and new recording artist and have a major label meeting us.
^ Always nice to see Bible passages sprinkled in with the wrestling news and upcoming Vegas club events... :blink:
^ Oh!! - the travel ban that was imposed on her about 18 trips ago!!? How...coincidental... :unsure:
the whole Insider story pisses me off too

Lindsay isnt a hoarder...shes a brat
shes been GIVEN all of these beautiful designer items, and she leaves them crumbled up in a ball on the floor.
She has no appreciation for the life she lives or the things she is given. And now, whats shes crying "hoarder" so she can get some publicity and then have a cleaning crew come in and clean up her mess FOR her.
She needs to grow up, she acts like a bratty child.
She needs to get over herself

sorry, needed to vent that
Dina Lohan: Deadbeat dad Michael Lohan hasn't paid child support in nearly a year

BY Henrick Karoliszyn AND Stephanie Gaskell


Michael Lohan is a deadbeat dad.
"It's almost been a year without child support," Dina Lohan said after a closed door meeting with her ex-husband in Nassau County Family Court on Tuesday.
The parents of troubled starlet Lindsey Lohan have been squabbling over court-ordered child support payments.
It's unclear how much Michael Lohan owes, but reported it was more than $15,000.
"I just want him to do the right thing. I just want him to take care of his kids," Dina Lohan said after the meeting. "This isn't about us. It's about his children."
"No one wants a war," she said. "I don't want to be here more than anyone else in this building. It's a very sad place."
Michael Lohan, 49, is due back in court on March 24.
His lawyer, John Pedranghelu, said Lindsay's infamous dad plans to pay up.
"He's promised to do so," he said. "We've heard that before. Hopefully he'll be true to his word and the parties can go forward. Nobody wants to be here but he has a duty and obligation to support his children and that's why we're here."
After the meeting, Michael Lohan told the Daily News the sitdown was peaceful.
"I knew there was a reason why I married that woman," he said.
"Dina and I walked out a hell of a lot better than when we walked in. It was very amicable. Everything is going to be resolved so we can move forward."
"These are my kids and Dina's their mother," he said. "If I have to tow the line to support them I will."
The fueding Lohans have sparred publicly since divorcing in 2007 and their riff only got nastier after Michael Lohan leaked a taped phone conversation of Dina revealing that their trouble daughter, Lindsay, was cutting herself.
"He swore he will never do anything like that again but the damage is done unfortunately," Dina Lohan, 47, said Tuesday.
"You know, we've been hurt a lot by him."
Michael Lohan shot back, claiming his ex wanted to profit from the release of the tapes.

"She just wanted money from the tapes. That's why she's upset over them," he said. "It doesn't make sense."
^ hard to tell..but somehow...i kinda believe in Michael this time,about the fact tha Dina probabily just wanted more money from the tapes..:innocent:
^ He owes $15,000. ? Doesn't sound like much- considering it is for a whole year for two children, and he has money to fly down to Latin American with his girlfriend of the week...Does he really work at all? :unsure:
Is Lindsay officially out of the Vienna Ball train wreck? Is there really and truly no Ungaro show? Enquiring minds want to know... B)
austria is waiting :)


but according to the newest information about her visit to the opera ball

Lohans manager confirms her vienna -visit

her manager Jason Weinberg confirmed over the phone, that the 23-year old will appear for the opera ball as planned. no more details though.
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Lindsay Lohan is NOT coming to the OPERA BALL.

according to Richard Lugner he even paid for the flight but she missed the private plane and booked on a normal flight and had everyone waiting for 2 hours but didn't show up.

now he insists that he wants the 100.000 Euros paid back!
^ Amazing...other than the dubious 'entertainment' of her carrying on, she is beyond a joke at this point... She seems to think people adore her, when everybody is really just waiting for the wheels to come off... :(
the whole Insider story pisses me off too

Lindsay isnt a hoarder...shes a brat
shes been GIVEN all of these beautiful designer items, and she leaves them crumbled up in a ball on the floor.
She has no appreciation for the life she lives or the things she is given. And now, whats shes crying "hoarder" so she can get some publicity and then have a cleaning crew come in and clean up her mess FOR her.
She needs to grow up, she acts like a bratty child.
She needs to get over herself

sorry, needed to vent that

Well, after much deliberation...the "specialist/doctor" helping Lindsay clean up says she isn't a hoarder. i personally think that whole interview thing was a waste of time...even though i watched all three nights of the show :o. she wont be attending the Opera thing after all huh...interesting

Has anyone checked that Purple ed out?! I think its hot ^_^B)
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