Evan Rachel Wood and Marilyn Manson

He's even stupider than he seems if he thinks he can touch the sheer mastery of Nabokov through this shlocky, juvenile video. The few redeeming qualities present in Lo and HH are clearly absent from both of these attention-seeking morons - he's acting like a 15 year old boy who's just discovered great literature and is trying to turn it into something it's not, i.e. sensationalist gore-p*rn, whilst simultaneously bypassing the infinitely richer depths available beyond the merely titillating premise; Evan's crude Hilton-esque behaviour and thoroughly adult physique also seems far from Nabokov's beguiling nymphets. Manson's trying to elevate his tacky little fling beyond its natural realms into something artistic, and THAT is what annoys me so much. The fact that either of them dare suggest they have anything in common, artistically or otherwise, with one of the most incredible pieces of literature ever penned irritates me far more than the pathetic video. Serge Gainsbourg captured the essence of the book's sly wittiness and tragedy far more accurately than this idiot ever will.
Oh come on,I don't think this is their take on the actual book,it would have to have been done far differently if so.Evan looks at least 23yrs old-not underage.They are just making a sensation in the media with all of this Lolita talk.
-Or maybe Marilyn is actually wanting a little tiny piece of something else[as the actual story tells the tale],someone who actually IS more of a real Lolita,and he just used Evan out of Hollywood to help him with this new era of his.Every girlfriend he has had has been there to fit and tell of his current album,life,thoughts.
Maybe he is really hinting at his perversity.........
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Also,I like Marilyn and Evan seems just fine[I've only seen her in 13,didn't care about it]but perhaps they should've pulled their ego back a smudge when the two of them assumed that the media would compair their relationship with the "Lolita" book/film.That seems the joke they are on about.
Also,Evan was in the media a tad after that "Lolita" like movie that she did with Ed Norton.Maybe that inspired Marilyn and Evan even more to enter this relationship together.It all seems very fake to me.
I'm just hoping for a new and great album from Marilyn Manson and yeah,the video is okay and fun to see but I don't care too much about it now that I've seen it.
...he's acting like a 15 year old boy who's just discovered great literature and is trying to turn it into something it's not, i.e. sensationalist gore-p*rn, whilst simultaneously bypassing the infinitely richer depths available beyond the merely titillating premise....

He's gone and done the same thing to poor old Deacon Dodgson. I'm still trying to figure what spooky castles have to do with Lewis Carroll. He was the curator of the Common Room at Christ Church and the sub-librarian. He was bent on symbolic logic and accounting systems. Horrifying, ennit? Needs a bucket of blood, a rabbit, and a half-nekkid girl to sex it up a bit.

Hell, if it gets the kids to read, though...
He does need to lay off on all of that and just be a rockstar,maybe this is why he lost track of who he was in the past year.He's been too busy becoming all of these others he has read about.
-so,is he actually with Evan or is this just him playing Lewis Carroll?He has said in interviews that he started to morph into him:::snickers:::
And I really couldn't care less about any of his movie work,be in the band like you are suppose to be.
i don't think you could compare evan to lohan/hilton etc. i honestly don't think she is doing this for attention. i could always tell she was a bit different. a cool girl. intelligent. just very different from other hollywood girls. she wasn't like the it girls and she wasn't like natalie portman or mandy moore either.

i think they know people will pick on them about the age difference, so they're playing with it ...saying f*ck you we don't care hahaha.

marilyn is a disturbing man. its strange that rose mcgowan and dita seem so strong and normal. i think evan will stay with him for a few years at least. i think he does go through different stages.
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actually on second thought....if they were really in love they wouldn't care what the public thought about them. they wouldn't play on the lolita image.

it's interesting that MARILYN said EVAN knew what people would think about us. i almost wonder if its a rebellious thing. she wants people to think something different of her. hmmm i can't explain...i have the ideas but i can't say them.
actually on second thought....if they were really in love they wouldn't care what the public thought about them. they wouldn't play on the lolita image.

it's interesting that MARILYN said EVAN knew what people would think about us. i almost wonder if its a rebellious thing. she wants people to think something different of her. hmmm i can't explain...i have the ideas but i can't say them.

I'm sorry but the Evan Rachel Wood movies I've seen, paint her in about the same light. I think the most tame I've seen her, was in the Green Day video.:innocent:
Well,I guess Evan didn't want to be viewed as "tame" anymore-she is now living with Marilyn Manson,having sex on film in a music video and has wiped clean her "serious new actress" name slate.I like crazy people,so I can't complain-
E!News did a short segment on these two, care of Marilyn's new interview[he's not wearing the "Marilyn Manson"makeup for the cover shoot-he's changed]in SPIN Magazine and they quoted Marilyn as saying,"Evan is no less than a muse"-as of speaking of his new album.
Having read the excellent interview of Manson posted in this thread (or is it the Dita Von Tease thread???? Humm, have to check). I would say in the light of what he has to say in the interview that Rachel might be the rebound girl... It seemed to me a bit fast of a move to have a new girlfriend and be in love again. He said in the interview that he went through a nervous breakdown and suffered a lot ever since he & Dita got married... Again, what do I know? I do not know these people personaly...
lolita is about obsession but is told through a story which is basically peadophilia. The fact that the girl is a child is supposed to highlight the lengths to which people will go too or are blinded by obsession(especially chilldhood obsession)... i think it fits with manson well.
From People.com:

Marilyn Manson: Dita Von Teese Drove Me Mad
FRIDAY MAY 18, 2007 02:00 PM EDT
By Stephen M. Silverman
Von Teese and MansonPhoto by: S. GABOURY / DMI / REX

With Dita Von Teese anything but silent about her failed marriage to Marilyn Manson, it's now the goth rocker's turn to give his side of the story.

"I was completely destroyed. I had no soul left," Manson (real name: Brian Warner), 38, speaking to Spin magazine for its June issue, says of the marriage.

"I define myself as a person, a human, an artist, as someone who makes things – writing, painting, music – and I couldn't do anything."

He and Von Teese were together for six years before marrying in their seventh, in November 2005. (She filed for divorce in December 2006.) "It's the old cliche," says Manson. "Marriage changes everything."

During their time together, Von Teese desperately wanted him to change his sleeping hours. But, Manson protests, "I'm my most creative between 3 and 5 a.m. That's the way I've always been."

He also says that once they tied the knot his wife's busy schedule kept her away from him, which drove him mad and, he says, caused him to believe that all the faults were his, as she was insisting.

"But then I realized that what's wrong about me is right. To play devil's advocate – but that doesn't really work, since I'm the devil – people would say that drugs and alcohol wrecked my marriage," he says.

"But buyer beware," Manson continues. "She said she had tolerated the lifestyle because she hoped I would change and threatened to leave if I didn't. I was sleeping on the couch in my own home. I was no longer supposed to be a rock star. I was someone who had to be apologized for. I wasn't prepared to be alone. I came out of this naked, a featherless bird."

He adds, referring to his new release, Eat Me, Drink Me, due for release on June 5, "I needed to get my wings back by making this record."

He also felt his wings with 19-year-old Running With Scissors actress Evan Rachel Wood, who impressed Manson by telling him she would die for him. "It might sound strange," he says, "but this made me want to live."

In one regard, Von Teese agrees with Manson. "Everything went downhill after we got married," she told Britain's Sunday Telegraph in April. "I started working a lot to escape my home life."

Evan would die for him. oh man. :rolleyes:
Well,today the inside artwork for his new upcoming to be released album was featured on his website[www.marilynmanson.com/booklet]and Evan is all over it!!!!!The Marilyn Manson BAND is now,Evan and Marilyn-IN LOVE!!!!
and it says:This album is for Evan.
His obsession IS Evan.......
Uh.....he was impressed by a girl telling him that she would die for him.

And here I was thinking most guys would be creeped out by that :p
Well,today the inside artwork for his new upcoming to be released album was featured on his website[www.marilynmanson.com/booklet]and Evan is all over it!!!!!The Marilyn Manson BAND is now,Evan and Marilyn-IN LOVE!!!!
and it says:This album is for Evan.
His obsession IS Evan.......

Thank you for the link. This booklet\website is really well done. I like it, very nice. Yes, it does spell obsession.
About the interview; very interesting, thanks. I have read a similar version in another interview. It looks like he & Dita became quite unhappy after they married. Makes one think.... After all they seemed quite happy for some time before they tied the knot.
Well, if he and Rachel are happy together now, ha, good for them.
Uh.....he was impressed by a girl telling him that she would die for him.

And here I was thinking most guys would be creeped out by that :p

Well, yeah, I would tend to think that too. M.M. is an original to say the least! He is not your regular Joe, hell no!
..."I was completely destroyed. I had no soul left,"...(real name: Brian Warner)
...."I'm my most creative between 3 and 5 a.m...."
....since I'm the devil ...
....I was no longer supposed to be a rock star....
....I was someone who had to be apologized for....
....came out of this naked, a featherless bird." ...
Whine, whine, whine.......he sounds like a grandiose and spoiled little girl.

Grow up, Brian......try to be a man.
^ I think what happened, like in most relationships, you really let yourself be yourself around those you love. Dita probably found his facade and hated it. He became his character most of the time. I really feel bad for the guy, I see him truly hurt by his experiences with Dita. I think Evan just just an an opportune time, because there have been many girls that have told him "I would die for you" (I was a fan, I met many) in the past and he thought nothing of it. I think also her innocence and the fact that she carries no trace of 'darker' interests if I may call them, hit him deep somewhere especially during his most vulnerable.

I have a feeling this one is going to end up really bad considering, and he's the type that gives in to the most extremes of emotions so I don't think it'll be a good one.

I'm probably rambling, but I'm going through something similar relationship-breakup-wise.. maybe. with the s.o. sleeping on the couch..

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