CDAN – This A+ list movie actor gets charged by his wife each time they have sex. If he wants it, then he needs to give her the cash upfront. Well, if I had to have sex with him, I would probably want to get paid too. I wonder how much she charged him for the kid.
BlindGossip – Sometimes selecting between the truth and a lie is like selecting between the lesser of two evils. This movie actor is in a bad position no matter which story he tells. He screwed up big time, but if he tells the truth, he will likely lose both his SO and a good bit of his career. If he lies, he’s just delaying the inevitable, and could eventually wind up in prison.
BlindGossip – Lots of celebrity break up announcements this holiday season, but one more is supposed to be coming in the next few weeks. This couple has actually been split up for months now, but you may not have even noticed since – like Scarlett and Ryan – they are usually photographed separately from each other. They were going to announce a couple of weeks ago, but got cold feet once they saw the flurry of attention that other celebrities were getting for the same action. The more famous of the two wants the publicists to release the announcement between Christmas and New Year’s in the hopes that the public will be too busy celebrating the holidays to notice. Before you start feeling sorry for either of them, though, you should probably know that both have already moved on to new relationships.
CDAN – Is this the biggest kindness in the history of the world? Nope. Not by a long shot, but it is pretty big to show you what happens when people take time to do the little things. This initialed A++ list producer/writer/director and creator was filming in a local Los Angeles neighborhood recently. It is not a street that usually sees a lot of filming and took place on a quiet street. It was just some pick up shots for a movie, but our producer/director was there to supervise. When the residents discovered who was shooting and for what movie, they of course came out to gawk. Not a problem for our producer who took pictures, signed autographs and even let all the kids come out and listen on headsets and explained each shot in advance. Many of the residents baked cookies or brought out food for the crew and the producer got all their names and addresses and sent a personalized, signed note mentioning each item of food to each person. Definitely a nice touch and left everyone with some great holiday spirit and lots of love for our producer.