I Love Blind Items ! #3

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^I was thinking Keira and Rupert but I don´t know if all hints fit...


UK gossips are reporting that after five years, Keira Knightley and Rupert Friend are over. As you know, British gossips aren’t exactly reliable. And they’ve probably based this story simply on the fact that Rupert showed up at an event recently without her, his mother on his arm instead, noting that things haven’t been well for a while. When contacted about a possible breakup, Knightley’s reps said they don’t comment on her personal life. That’s pretty standard.

Keira is intensely private, getting even more so it seems. Whether or not their relationship has ended is still undetermined but what’s curious to me is that she was hardly involved, if at all, in any press for the recently released London Boulevard which was released in the UK November 26. Colin Farrell was there, promoted the film in print, there were a couple of tv interviews, but other than that, it was a rather quiet open, and one that did not involve Keira at all. And while she was much more visible for Never Let Me Go, she did not travel for it, nor was there a whole lot of “extra” promotion beyond the press conference, the premiere, and limited tv, all rushed through in a two day period.

My smutty sense is tingling. Something’s up with her.
I can´t believe I could get one right LOL
if it´s true, I wish for her to date a more famous guy so that we´ll get more candids... how selfish of me!
or at least a good-looking guy, she could do MUCH better than him, but still i really liked them together, no idea why, but they were cute together
Rupert is very good looking depending on how he's styled. He was gorgeous in The Young Victoria. His bone-structure is as amazing as Keira's. Imaging the kids.
I actually hope she is okay ... to entirely withdraw like that is worrying.
if i'm not mistaken there were few sightings of her and Rupert during her press for NLMG, so i don't think he/breakup if there is one in the first place is the reason for her MIA cus i've been wondering for awhile now on her absence when it comes to press....
Is this referring to anyone? Obviously botox or other cosmetic procedure.
It’s slowing down. Celebrities are holiday hibernating before award season. Hide until the bruises go away. By January it’s a new year and a fresh face!
na, that's just general, many stars get some work done before awards season, you can't single anyone out
Here's a blurb that would further serve to explain why Gwennie and Chris would delay an announcement...:unsure:

Gwyneth Paltrow is set to be joining her husband, Coldplay lead singer Chris Martin, onstage at the record-breaking, $25 million New Year's Eve celebration at the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas.
Coldplay and Jay-Z, who'll be there with wife Beyoncé, have each been paid up to $1 million to perform for 2,500 invited guests at the new hotel. Sources said the lavish opening party is a massive spend by Deutsche Bank, which bought the 2,995-room property in 2008 when it was in foreclosure and spent $3.9 billion to complete it.

NY Post
^ Yeah not buying it. Why spend New Years in public I might add which you haven't done before when you are just going to leave him the next day. Sorry but I just can't believe it after the stuff she's said about him during Country Strong promotion. Why mention him at all if you aren't together as daj said.

Plus I don't want it to be true lol.
^ Why spend New Years in public I might add which you haven't done before when you are just going to leave him the next day.

But, they set these things up way ahead of time- there could be some sort of iron clad contract involved; it sort of reminds me of how Jessica Simpson and Nick had to pretend to still be together because their pathetic 'Newlyweds' thing still had a season to run...:huh:
This very famous film star looks happy lately. Well, we know what’s putting that grin on his face. He’s really enjoying his newest project. What he is enjoying most about it is the outstanding chemistry he has with his younger co-star. It’s the kind of special relationship that makes them want to spend lots of quality time alone together in trailers and hotel rooms. His wife knows about it, but they have been living separate lives for months now, so she really doesn’t care. Any bad behavior on his part simply provides her with another chip in her pocket in case anything goes awry with their impending divorce.

I have a feeling Jennifer Garner isn't as innocent as she comes across in movies. Seems like she can get her claws out when necessary. :D
^yep. Jennifer Garner has a reputation for being a social climber actually, using her love-life to further her career and dumping boyfriends as soon as someone more useful comes along.
Considering how her career is going, I suspect she'll be hanging on Ben for dear life for years to come. Also, with all the dirt she most likely has on him (the gambling, the cheating, the booze) she could publicly ruin him if he tries to leave her.
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