Keeping Up With Lindsay #2 (please put all Lohan news here)

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And here's some more cool stuff to make you love and respect Lindsay and her gang even more!! ^_^ I'm sure the people in the Court love reading things like this right before a hearing... (BTW- whenever I have a big event to celebrate, I head right to Roslyn Heights- the epitome of elegance and refinement... :blink:)

Us Weekly also reports that mom Dina told guests at her Sept. 17 birthday party at Madeo's Restaurant in Roslyn Heights, NY, that her daughter - due in court Friday - would get off scot-free. "She said, 'Who cares if it's true? Our new team is like a machine. They'll squash this.'"

Here's the rest that we can not talk about...
Early modeling picture from Us Weekly...

You can just imagine Dina outside the frame, with an arm around the photographer: "Wouldn't it be great for the mother to be in the campaign too? You know, family values etc..."
^ "....I can make it worth your while...I can promise you wouldn't be sorry....!" :innocent:
I wonder why she's never leaked/sold any photos or clips from her previous careers. After all, she said people tell her to write an autobiography about her showbiz career...I suppose it's modesty - a famous Lohan family trait.
Or perhaps they have all been stolen by some Lohan Hater Fudgies!!....Just look at how they erased all record of Dina's modeling/Rockette/Broadway/Soap Opera experiences...:cry:
^ Yes! And yet it is starlet Lindsay Dee Lohan who is brought before the court while the real criminals go free. Obviously in America people can write hardball propaganda about a hard working single mom and get away with it, they can even snatch away her child's ice cream cake, but if a young girl - a child, a victim of Hollywood - gets in her car and rushes home after a hard days honest work, the cops are suddenly all over her!!!
^ That's right- you even see babies in strollers leaping off of the sidewalk in the path of (one of) her (rented) high powered sports cars!! I think Congressional Hearings are in order- enough is enough!! :angry:
^ I'll see your donuts and raise you a Fudgie Cake!! ;) I don't know, but don't they have less leeway with parole violations? This makes how many times she has laughed at the conditions of her parole? The judge and DA are being made fools of in front of the whole legal community...I like that delay hearing for 30 days thing- the one with no way out because of overcrowding... then maybe she would begin to get the message; the original rap was for up to six months I seem to recall...:shock:
^ People who aren't familiar with the New York media and ice cream scene must think we are crazy... :shock: :blush:
^ Well, according to the terms of her probation- which, let's not forget, she agreed to, she should get 30 days for each failed test...The endless drama begins tomorrow morning! :rolleyes:
TMZ reports that the hearing will be very short, the judge will schedule a probation violation hearing, and they will deal with probation bail issues, then she will walk out free. At the probation violation hearing 1 month later she will be sentences to jail but can leave after a couple of hours after they book her.

Dina Lohan -- Armed and Dangerous

35 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
Lindsay Lohan isn't the only person who could theoretically end up behind bars on Friday ... Dina Lohan says she'll have Michael Lohan arrested if he shows up at his daughter's hearing.


Sources close to Dina -- who has a criminal protective order against her ex-hubby -- tell TMZ Dina is bringing the protective order to court and if Michael dares to pop his head in, "There's gonna be a situation."

Michael, of course, doesn't care. As we previously reported, Mikey plans on showing up with a super special guest.

It's unclear who's performing in the third ring.

Lindsay Lohan -- Bail Bondsman at the Ready

9/23/2010 4:10 PM PDT by TMZ Staff
The bail bondsman Lindsay Lohan has gotten to know all too well will be in court tomorrow to bail LiLo out one more time ... TMZ has learned.


The bondsman -- who also bailed out Linds back in June -- is going to court for the 8:30AM hearing before Judge Elden Fox.

As we first reported, it's likely the bondsman will have to post bail on the spot to allow Lindsay to remain free, pending a full probation violation hearing next month.
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Farce!!! And people wonder why no one has any faith in the government doing it's job.... :shock:
The guys working on Inferno are going to be relieved in more ways than one. Look out Natalie Portman and Anne Hathaway - Lindsay is about to destroy you at the box office this holiday season!!! (Inferno will be available for download for Christmas, yea?)
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Pat Kelly, spokesperson for Los Angeles Superior Court, told "It's my understanding that Judge Fox has denied cameras in the courtroom for Ms. Lohan's hearing tomorrow."

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