Keeping Up With Lindsay #2 (please put all Lohan news here)

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I just started at page 1 just to have a good read while working, but it's all the same and after a while it's not funny anymore, it's just sad IMO
Lindsay Lohan Has alter egos
best line: "LiLo has on occasion called herself ”Diane” or ”Margot"" :lol::lol::lol:
Lindsay scared to go back to jail
best line:“She’s scared she might have to go back to jail,” says a source. “This is a wake-up call for her in a way. In the past, she dismissed everything, never took it seriously and now she’s like ‘Oh, something bad could happen.’ "..............mmm..this is..well let me see...WAKE UP CALL NUMBER 1000000!?:huh: the other line is just hilarious..(oh! something bad could happen..:rofl: )
^ No TV!! This is an outrage!! God- that means we don't get to see her confused puppy dog look and her speech about "I have learned my lesson, blah, blah, blah..." Maybe she could bring a tape player and just play her last few "I have learned my lesson" speeches before the various judges... :huh:
Maybe she could bring a tape player and just play her last few "I have learned my lesson" speeches before the various judges... :huh:

And at the end of the recording it could cut into her latest single from the mythic album :rolleyes:

Is Ali going to be with Dina at court today? They should both wear some of these outfits :woot: Seriously why is Dina not modelling 6126? She looks younger than Lindsay and Ali :doh:
^ Dina Lohan has a hard time saying no....

Right- that is one reason (along with money and 'fame') that Lindsay has run the family for many years... :(
Why is this so involved? You break probation (twice- this time...) and you go back to jail! Why a hearing next month?? Like she will behave between now and the hearing- she'll be out somewhere tonight! Totally stupid- and insulting to we mortals who have to abide by the laws or else... :shock:
Don't you fell like she secretly loves all of this attention? I mean, it really is all she has left, other than quasi p*rn photo shoots...:(
That was exciting- although I was hoping for a V Sign or a fist pump...Maybe a "You boys ready to party this afternoon??" :rolleyes:
Why is she so happy? Can't she at least fake some kind of shame/regret?


^ Well, she's getting attention, which is like oxygen to her, and she knows (because her connected lawyers have told her) that this is all a joke and she's going right back to her fun and games!! Shopping!! Driving around in high powered sports cars!! Clubbing!! Falling into cactus beds (and who know what other kinds...)!!Maybe they can even get Michael arrested on some charge!! It is good to be a Lohan!! :p
OMG!! Fox News said she was just taken out of the courtroom in handcuffs!!! OMG!! :o
Lindsay Lohan is in custody ... after Judge Elden Fox shockingly denied her bail ... and Lindsay could be sitting there until October 22.

Judge Fox did not hear any argument from the lawyers before making his ruling.

Lindsay was handcuffed in court before being taken into custody.

It's shocking because the underlying offense is a misdemeanor, and people connected with the case were telling us the judge had to offer Lindsay bail.

As for Lindsay's reaction ... she was shocked when the judge remanded her into custody. Lindsay looked at her lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holly, before being taken out of the courtroom.
SNAP! Looks like this judge wasn't playing around either. And thank God TMZ was wrong, Lindsay needs a wake-up call for real. The fact that she can't leave jail for 30 days might just be it.
I really wish Headline News would dump the used car salesman masquerading as an anchor.
I think everyone is shocked...maybe if one of the other judges/courts had lowered the boom on her way back when, it wouldn't have gotten to this point....I'll bet she is one unhappy girl this morning... :(
interesting. i really debated coming to this thread today because i thought it was going to piss me off and now im shocked?
Pretty sure there's no such thing as a nice lawyer. They're like pitbulls, they can play nice but one wrong move and they'll maul the sweet jesus out of you.
It's actually good to hear she's back in a controlled environment, it seems to be the only place she behaves herself.
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