Keeping Up With Lindsay #4 (please put all Lohan news here)

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Being almost all of her past transgressions have to do with one substance or another, why isn't there a frequent, random and mandatory testing component to any of this? She has shown she can get in at least as much trouble just on alcohol, and yet they (once again) give her a pass on that, too... :huh:
So she posted bail? She's at Chateau Marmont as we speak?? :unsure:
i was hoping you were kidding but i saw it on perez just now -_-

guess shell never really learn a lesson at all.
^ Yup- Lindsay Dee has a double Grey Goose martini and a Marlboro in her hand, loudly announcing the famous line from every 1930s gangster picture: "They haven't built the jail that can hold me, Warden!!" :lol:
Gawker had a good summary... :rolleyes:

...LA Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner said what everyone is thinking: "She is supposed to be an actress from what I hear. I don't know how much acting work she's done or is doing." The judge was clearly pissed that Lohan hasn't completed her community service, blew off numerous appointments at the women's shelter where she was supposed to be volunteering, and that she's racked up "violation upon violation."
LiLo—who of course looked a mess and like she wasn't wearing blush so much as she colored her face in with a maroon Crayola—was taken away in cuffs and bail, which she'll make later today, was set at $100,000. She'll be back in court yet again on November 2 for a probation violation hearing during which she'll most likely be sent back to jail. Remember when this story was fun and exciting? Now it's just to be expected and, well, sad.
Humm... :unsure:

What Happened to Lindsay Lohan's Face?

Lindsay Lohan's heavily shadowed face wasn't the result of a bad blush job. (Well, it wasn't a good blush job, either, but still.)
When the doomed-for-handcuffs starlet arrived in court today, everything from her platinum-blond dye job to her snow-white dress and scarf only served to emphasize what looked like bruises marring her cheeks and an overall look of discomfort.
Lindsay's been known to get highlights at the eleventh hour, but...really? Work on her face the night before a progress report appearance?

Completing her shoplifting-avoidance class wasn't the only thing Lohan was doing last-minute over the past week.

Her chipmunk cheeks are apparently the lingering effect of some dental work the 25-year-old had done last Friday—which actually was a rather aptly timed appointment, considering the public outcry (and concern) over the recent condition of her teeth.
Beverly Hills dentist Dr. Arthur Glosman suspects that, though it wouldn't cause swelling, she also had her teeth bleached—a process that can take as little as an hour—since the more damning pictures were taken.

"They can make yellow teeth turn white," Glosman, whose patients include Paris Hilton and La Toya Jackson (but not Lohan) tells us. "You can go from six to eight shades of white in an hour. You get a teeth cleaning, and the abrasive paste gets a lot of the stains off. Then the bleach lightens the teeth up."

Her probation report, obtained today by E! News, confirms that Lohan missed a session of her shoplifting course that day to go to the dentist and later presented evidence of the appointment.
A rep for Lohan told us that he is "not discussing anything dental today." (Someone should have told the actress, though, that frozen peas can help with that swelling!)
Barely an hour after being led out of the courtroom in handcuffs following the revocation of her probation, Lohan was released from custody after posting a $100,000 bond.

As for what happened today, rep Steve Honig says, "Lindsay is hoping this matter will be resolved on Nov. 2 and the court will reinstate probation and allow her to continue fulfilling her community service."

E! Online
^ Her make up looked like when little kids play dress up and just smear stuff on their faces... :blink:
What was the judge saying about there is no jail space for these she can't lock her up? I don't understand...What sort of thing is that- I'm revoking your probation but I can't send you to jail?? :shock:
i think she was referring to other cases LiLo's attorney was talking about working on. i got it was some general talk about prisons, not LiLo's case spec.:flower:
Mug shot # 5!! :blink: This look says: Glamorous Movie Star!! :doh:


interesting! there's no weird blush on her face here, could be they asked her to remove it for the photo'ing?


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:shock: I hope the thing above doesn`t crawl out from under my bed tonight...:ninja: Scary...
^ Dracula's Granddaughter... :ninja: So her next hearing is for Nov 2nd- how much you want to bet she logs in about a 100 hours of community service between now and then...? ;)
i don't think she's gonna stretch by an inch. few hours and that's it, IMO. she's in total denial, i mean, how much guts you need to have to say "your community service at women center isn't fulfilling"? it's sickening how much right she thinks she has, she doesn't see an issue with anything, with anything she's done or hasn't done.
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Whoops! Spoke too soon... :rolleyes:

Lindsay Lohan is going to be turned away from the L.A. County Morgue today, because she was late.

Sources at the morgue tell TMZ ... Lindsay was scheduled to be at the morgue at 8 AM. At 7:40, Lindsay's assistant called to say they were 10 minutes away. By 8:20, she was still a no-show.

So officials at the Coroner's Office have decided if Lindsay eventually shows up they will turn her away.

And it gets way worse for Lindsay. We're told the Coroner's Office will notify Probation's Volunteer Center -- which monitors her probation -- that Lindsay screwed up again, and the judge will then be notified.

...what did i tell you? she doesn't think anyone will put her behind the bars.
^ Yup, you were right...I guess you can never apply normal human common sense to a Lilo situation...My God- if I could avoid a year and a half in jail I'd stand on my head every day!! :lol:
if you were in her situation you wouldn't get this many chances to avoid the jail in the first place. it's unbelivable how much they cut her slack, but i don't think this judge will tolerate it anymore.
this is such a bad example. really, she should be send off to some island, give her a bamboo skirt and let her live another 60 yrs in peaceful place in some cottage with a lot of hair bleach and minnetonkas to wear.
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