Keeping Up With Lindsay #4 (please put all Lohan news here)

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^ Could be...I actually thought they both looked rather good beforehand.... :huh:
Hmm... I'm still not convinced Lindsay had anything done other than the lips and maybe botox. Her nose looks the same to me
over crowding in the jail will save lindsay every time.
therefore she never learns her lesson, she doesnt change and in 5 months time we will all be back here again ready to add to her collection of mughsots.
Well, the way she is going, it is only a matter of time before she moves beyond LA County matters; messing up overseas, in some other State or a Federal rap won't be affected by overcrowding...:blink:
You have to look at it from the penal system's point of view. Would you want to be responsible for her? :p
^And looking from the inmates' point of view, would you like to have *that* sharing a cell with you? :rofl: (Although I bet Lilo would become their sex toy in no time.) :ninja:
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Lindsay Lohan will serve 30 days in jail, and the judge is holding her on a tight leash to make sure she completes her probation.

Lindsay admitted she violated her probation by not attending therapy sessions as required by the court and by getting kicked out of the Downtown Women's Center.

The judge now says ALL of Lindsay's community service must now be served at the L.A. County Morgue. And the judge gave Lindsay a tight structure on how she must complete the rest of her probation, and if she doesn't the judge will put a warrant out for her arrest and sentence her to an additional 270 days in jail.

As for the 30 days Lindsay is getting now -- the judge made it clear ... NO HOUSE ARREST.

The Sheriff's Dept. tells us Lindsay will serve 20% of the 30 days -- 6 days in jail.

Judge Stephanie Sautner gave Lindsay a strict schedule on completing the rest of her probation -- by December 14, she must have completed 12 days at the morge and 4 psychotherapy sessions. By January 17, another 12 days at morgue and 4 psychotherapy sessions. And so on. Everything must be completed by March 29 -- or she goes directly to jail for 270 days.

The judge clearly thinks Lindsay needs a rigid structure to complete her sentence, and as the judge put it, Lindsay is holding the keys to the jail cell.

And the judge strongly suggested Lindsay stop tweeting about her experiences at the morgue.

At the end, Lindsay seemed happy, walking out of court saying, "Thank God," under her breath.

The Sheriff's Dept. tells us Lindsay will serve 20% of the 30 days -- 6 days in jail.

What a BAD JOKE! :doh:

No wonder Lilo doesn`t change her ways - why would she - she doesn`t get a real punishment anyways...that is just nurishing her idea that she -as a celebrity- "is above things" and the rules don`t apply to her....
Lindsay Lohan will almost certainly get out of jail in a matter of minutes ... this according to officials from the L.A. County Sheriff's Department.

Two Sheriff's Dept. officials tell us ... if someone receives a misdemeanor sentence of 90 days or less, they are routinely processed in and then released. As one of the officials put it, "She'll be out without even having to change her clothes."

Judge Stephanie Sautner sentenced Lindsay to serve 30 days in the pokey, adding that the only way to shave time off the sentence is if it's required by law. A Sheriff's official told us earlier this week ... misdemeanor inmates only serve 20% of the actual sentence because of overcrowding. But the 2 officials we spoke with today say ... because of overcrowding they immediately release inmates sentenced to less than 90 days.

This is the joke of a legal system they have in Holly-fornia...

And they wonder why criminals flock to their state to do crimes. :ninja:
^ Party at Lilos- 1 hour after she goes to jail!! :woot: What a country- she'll really have total respect for the legal system now!! :rolleyes:
celebrities are people too.
if they do the crime they should serve the time.

i bet you if i did the exact same things as lindsay has done i would still be sitting in jail while she gets 6 days... :rolleyes:
And the judge strongly suggested Lindsay stop tweeting about her experiences at the morgue.

I don't follow her on twitter, what has she tweeted?
I think this is what she tweeted about what they did'nt like:
"20 oktober 2011

With all of the stress and pressure from yesterday and today, I've never been so happy to go to therapy!!!! Also, I'm sorry for the confusion that I may of caused to those at the Coroner's office. Won't happen again, now I know where to go! Thank you for your help."

The girl can't even remember that she tweeted that:S
She just doesn't get, umm- one of the things she doesn't get, is that she is radio-active in Hollywood these days... :cry: (Notice whenever a story like this comes out her people just say it never happened? Lilo is in a different reality, I suppose...)

LiLo crashes Leo's big party

Troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan crashed the party for Leonardo DiCaprio’s movie “J. Edgar” and made such a scene she made A-list attendees “uncomfortable.”
Lohan, fresh from her Playboy shoot and about to go to jail for probation violations, insisted she was an invited guest to the party for the Clint Eastwood-directed biopic about legendaryFBI director Hoover, and talked her way past security at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel on Thursday night.

A source at the bash told us, “Lindsay was arguing with the security to let her in, dropping every celebrity’s name to get in. She could be heard saying, ‘I have to go and see Leo.’

“Eventually they let her in, but she made everybody uncomfortable. She was aggressive and random, storming around. She tried to get to Leo, but he was surrounded by his security and a posse of his friends.
“Clint and Leo and Dustin Lance Black were talking, and Lindsay sent one of her aides over, demanding to get a photo with them, but security shooed them away.”
Another spy at the party, attended by Ron Howard, Harvey Weinstein, Brett Ratner and actress/producer Christie Cashman, said Lohan kept asking to meet Oscar-winning producer Brian Grazer, who’d already left.
The movie, generating considerable Oscar buzz for DiCaprio, opened the AFI Fest at Grauman’s Chinese Theater. It wasn’t clear how Lohan managed to get past AFI security, which sealed off the whole block and would only allow their official limos in.
Lohan has to turn herself in to jail by Wednesday to serve a 30-day sentence. But this didn’t stop her from turning up at the Hollywood Roosevelt with her hair and makeup still done up from her earlier Playboy shoot.
Lohan’s rep said, “She did not crash, she was invited by a guest who attended the event. I am not aware of her asking for photos with Leo or Clint. She was never asked to leave.” Reps for DiCaprio and Grazer declined to comment.

NY Post Page Six
people need to realise that those kind of stories are purely made up due to her reputation but probably always as fake as the editor's red soled wannabe louboutins.
she was spotted leaving some club or party so its obvious she doesnt take this seriously one single tiny bit.
the judge should use that against her.
instead of partying, she should have been doing more community service so it seems like shes serious about getting on the right track
but like thats going to happen :rolleyes:
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