Louis Vuitton F/W 09.10 : Madonna by Steven Meisel

dude, you're fighting with a Madonna stan. they won't budge with their opinion :lol:

Uhm, yes, I'm a fan, but I wasn't fighting, AT ALL! I posted a picture of her without make-up, he posted the worst picture of her ever taken. Good for him, but what's his point. I can keep on posting thousands of pics more recent then the one he posted where she looked absolutely lovely without make-up or anything. I just don't get the point... I also wasn't saying he was supposed to praise her, but seriously, WHAT was his point?
Oh, and to the person commenting on her hands. Her hands have always been veiny. She had the same hands when she was in her 30's! And besides... she's aging, what are we gonna do, blame her? Suggest she crawls away and stops existing?

Oh please......don't be so defensive:rolleyes: It's nothing to do with her age, I'm commenting on her hands and suggesting if they photoshopped her face they might as well do her hands......which I hadn't noticed were like this at any age.
I don't blame her for aging, and if she wants to crawl away fair play to her, I could care less......I think her hands look bad........end of.:D

i don't get it. i can only suppose that during these hard times LV wants to stick to a big star... because if they think she looks so wrinkled and bad that they have to airbrush her until she looks like a wax statue of a 20-year-old, what are the other reasons not to cast a 20-year-old and just tone down the airbrushing?

To be honest, I blame this more on Meisel then on Madonna. Madonna has in the recent past shown that she is not afraid to go for unconventional photoshoots that do not necesarilly go for beauty. Look at her work with Steven Klein.

In contrast with her 3 recent shoots with Meisel which were all VERY heavily photoshopped to make her look like a marble greek statue. I think it's Meisel's thing to use photoshop to create an image of perfection. Compare these shots for instance with Madonna's Vanity Fair shoot which she did with Meisel. Her face has the same kind of style in it. Very pristine, porcelain and statuesque. I think it's mostly Meisel's art direction at work here...
Oh I actually like it even if Madge is as stiff as a wood and her face is photoshopped beyond reality. This is way better than last season's leg lifts and whatnot. Thumbs up for this

I agree with you -
so much better than last years.

I like the colours in this^_^
blablabla ..........................................................

this is bad ... beyond bad ! beyond crap ! the collection was crap anyway ! LVMH needs to stop making people fool ! MJ is s*** !
Let's all just agree to disagree here before the thread veers completely off topic folks. Keep the opinions on the ads coming! :flower:
LVHM pay 180 dolrs fpor this, this is sooo fke, ayful photoshop the colors ads very stupi i hate Mert Alas + marcus pigott please back !!!
Guys I am not saying I don't like the pic: I actually really do. Especially after last season's mess.

She is really photoshopped but we all know and accept this fact of reality anyways. It is silly to claim that she has 'flawless porcelain' skin or whatever, because she doesn't. She is some 50 year old woman. That said, this photo isn't bad. It is very commercial, it is very spoon-fed, but it is still edgy enough to display the LV goods in a style that is compatible with the brand and how of-the-moment Marc tries to make LV to be. And I love to see this beautiful alien creature barely resembling an iconic woman we all like, looking dazed and confused.

We'll see the rest of the ads. I guess the bags will be the true stars of this campaign, since this is LV and they need to sell many of those to make the big bucks under these economic climate. On the other hand, I never thought Vadge is a good pick for LV to begin with. It has nothing to do with the age, her private life or celeb status, or anything of that nature. LV models have mostly been older women with the certain exceptions like Scarlett. Even their 'model' model choices have been older women like Eva, Naomi, Claudia, and Stephanie.

But Vadge is just... not compatible to me.
Was expecting worse, so IMO this isn't disastrously bad, but Madonna's pose is just really unfortunate. To echo some member's comments, she looks like a life size doll stiffly propped up on a chair.

But at least they succeeded in making the collection look more fall/winter-ish, and the bunny ears don't look half as bad as they did at the MET Gala.
Here's a pic without the Mr. Breathless watermark:


from my inbox
i think i like it. :) well, not that really, really like. i don't know why i like it. :D well, can't wait to see the rest.
Its just painfully bad, there is NOTHING here that i could like. She looks incredibly stiff and wooden to the point of looking as if they placed her in that chair. But unlike some others i will direct my venom to Meisel, sorry Steven but what kind of fuc**ry is this? You are paid to freaking much to deliver something as bad as this!
She looks high: like on acid or something. And the colors.... kind of psychedelic!
To me, this is a perfect manifesation of how Vuitton can be kitsch. Furthermore, Madonna and Louis Vuitton as a pairing is completely insufferable. Why should we have to suffer because Marc Jacobs thought it would be "a good idea" to use her?

Besides, I haven't been excited about a Louis Vuitton campaign since Fall 2006 (Kate, Naomi, Daria). That was the perfect Vuitton campaign, no?

Its a shame Louis Vuitton, with all their money and power, still have to rely on celebrity to sell their products.
I think it s really pretty... photoshopped to death... it reminds me of a fairytale...

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