Pirelli Calendar 2009 [No images from the calendar allowed]

is there any place where i can see that editorial? i'm writing a sort of review to this calendar so it would be interesting to see that playboy shot.

then personally i can say that i find exotism a dangerous concept and that a few shots are a bit clumsy in the end. but daria is exceptional in the pond.
guys, could anyone tell me where can i buy pirelli calendar 2009? online or at the bookstore? i hadnt ever seen it anywhere except ebay. on off site there isnt any info
the calendar has very very very few copies and usually they give only to entourage people...
it's too exclusive to be sold.
you must have the right friends........
strange, i was thinking what its like visionaire
that would be better from commercial point of view
if that`s like youre describing that`s just silly... spend so many money on photosession and not selling it...
I have never seen only one calendar for sale, like only the 2009 calendar. I only saw editions that they publish every single year w/ the calendars from 1967(?) until now.
i'm sure of what i'm saying... they sell it, but the buyers have exclusive bookings
yep i saw that too
actually, im not needing that calendar, but if they will sell books incl that 2009 calendar, i have a question, are all pics from pirelli site ( extra pics also) included in the calendar or books?
mmmm i have this doubt, too..
because the 2009 edition has 53 pics and the month are 12.....
so i'm pretty sure it could be a book
they have to to sell only one calendar apart from the others, in this case the 2009. does not make sense to come out every single year editions of the last calendar w/ the others calendars.
i saw it on ebay its a calendar in the box (still no info about quantity of images), and im thinking what later on you could get it for the fair price (about 100-200 usd or so) but the better way is to buy huge book with lots of years included inside (hope to see all images here).
the calendar distribution is not in any way linked to commercial strategies, therefore it is not on sale.


so i remember many photo mags which are publishing pirelli images, plus they`re selling rights to the publishers (tashen or so, i dont remember) -books with all pirelli calendars (gift edition etc)
so i think how theyre making that product commercial
it´s not for sale but will be for sale in the next edition w/ all the others calendars, it´s pretty sure? uh?:unsure:

I really can´t understand why they don´t sell it apart, it´s absurd!
^they believe its a commercial strategy, god, how original...
i know what calendar will be in the next edition, but the question is other: will all (53) images be included in upcoming book and are they all included in calendar or theyre only on the site?
the pics should be all in the book, does not make sense if they are not there. but I have no idea.
after actually watching the backstage and interview videos it has definitely reaffirmed my initial reaction. beard keeps talking about some profound, "authentic" vision of africa, but i really don't see it any where. his agenda is just completely transparent, a fetishised stereotypical vision of "africa" as a monolithe that's no deeper or profound than a few bare breasted models running around in the savanna. of course the models are beautiful, and it is just a calender, but with all the messages he claims to be trying point out through his photography, it is either completely misguided or he's completely ignorant to some of the implications in the execution of the theme.
^^ :-) Yes you're right Birgitta to simplify what you said it was more photos of girls in a circus of elephants than depicting the lush sensuality of Africa.
i actually think the only very beautiful pics in the cal are those featuring daria in the pond and daria, malgosia and boscono in the march of elephants. the pic with the three of them with the bird skull is ruined by the boscono and malgosia's ethnic outfits and heels. symbolism in that pic is too elementary, too bad cos daria's pose was strong.

you may think i'm biased, but i swear i'm not!
As I see it, the Pirelli calendar is supposed to be an erotic fantasy, not a factual documentary about Africa in 2008. We could be here all night debating the misappropriation of this-and-that in relation to reality, but as long as the models are mostly naked, then the calendar's foremost requirement has been achieved.

As for his claims of African authenticity, that's the sound of an artist selling his work. His agenda is commercial and he is making the most of this opportunity.

This calendar is recognisably 'Beard' and to people already aware of his style, it's the same stuff he's always done, so I can see why there might be disappointment with it. But this calendar might also reach people who are totally unaware of his work, so for him, it's a perfect means to introduce his style to a wider audience - so why suddenly do something different? He's stuck to what he knows best, to seize this opportunity to reach new audiences.

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