#1. Which A-List Oscar winner refuses to come out of the closet even though everyone in Hollywood already knows he is gay? The talented thespian says he needs to keep his sexuality a secret to make his straight characters more believable, but his friends say he is really just afraid of losing primo leading roles.
#2.This actress and her famous boyfriend make an attractive and playfully romantic couple. However, they are not exactly getting romantic with each other. She is actually a beard for her brother, who is really the one in the relationship with the boyfriend. It’s actually rather sweet. The actress and boyfriend genuinely enjoy each other’s company, the brother and boyfriend get to spend a lot of time together, and everyone in the family is in on the secret and is happy with the relationship. The situation seems to be benefiting everyone for now.
UPDATE (today

They are taking their relationship to the next level! She’s getting a ring, mega-bucks, and a career boost, and he’s getting a beard and a brother-in-law who he really loves. Everybody knows their role and everybody is laughing and singing and dancing for joy. How sweet!
#3. This B/B + actor has an authority problem. He’s in a big buzz movie that will be coming out next year but he is at risk for losing his job because he argues with everyone on the set, mainly the big-name director. He’s such a know it all, production is debating ripping up his contract and making him leave. The crew is secretly getting back at him by playing subtle pranks on him. His clothes are moved or missing, he ends up getting food he didn’t order, etc.
#4. This award-winning actress has done lots of film and television. Her focus right now, however, is on her weight (which is higher than it was at her career peak). She wants to get back into the spotlight so badly that she is finally circling the dreaded gastric bypass surgery. There’s an interesting twist to this plan. She is talking about having the surgery and recovery filmed for a reality show. Barring any surprises, this should happen within the next year.
#5. This B list East Coast rapper might sing about the ladies, surround himself with the ladies and brag about his conquests, but the truth is – he’s a virgin. He’s not gay, but has no interest in having actual sex with women, he’s just interested in the perception that he is.
#6.I guess there must be some serious trust issues. This foreign born, A list (barely) always movie actress got into a huge knock down drag out fight with her celebrity husband. Our actress took an insurance physical and was told she had an STD. Considering she did not have one before she berated her husband for hours. He kept denying it, but she did not believe him. Then she got a call and said she was clean. The office had got the samples mixed up. Not a great New Years weekend.
#7. There is a music studio on NYC owned by one of the biggest labels on the planet. Mostly hip hop artists record there, but there are lots of others too. Apparently it is the studio that is known for the most and biggest p*t smokers in the music business. Snoop records there. Method Man. You get the picture. Well, despite the presence of those formidable opponents, the person who smokes the most p*t in this studio is this A list singer who was in a big group and has done really well on his own. Hmm, he is also married and has collaborated on a really big hit too.