I Love Blind Items ! #3

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About Andrew Garfield's attitude:

1. Andrew Garfield arrived late, after Arnold Schwarzenegger began the intro, so they made him stand, fuming, with a dozen others cooling their heels outside because parting the curtains would let in light and mess up the broadcast. With one firm whisper, the newly-minted A-lister got escorted to a side entrance. What it Means: Is he tough? Listen, bub, he's got radioactive blood.

Last Night's Critic's Choice Gossip: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/blogs/race/decoding-critics-choice-awards-7-72107
^ Who is also not tall...;) The thought of any one of them with that slob makes me... :sick:

LOL. That, and her rep is that she's a frigid, uptight, type-A btich, so guys wouldn't want to sleep with her anyway. :rolleyes: @ Hollywood.

An Actor Goes to WeHo
BlindGossip – This actor has been under a lot of scrutiny about his sexuality. While he has been keeping a very low public profile (with the exception of a magazine cover here or there), he isn’t exactly sitting at home with the wife and kids night after night. In fact, he recently made an appearance at a WeHo gay bar with some male friends. They were swigging down drinks and cracking jokes about a certain organization to which he belongs. No, the organization is not The Hair Club for Men.
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is that organisation thing a reference to the joke made in team america, they changed screen actors guild to film actors guild, in which Matt Damon and Ben Affleck were prominent members lol, i like that movie it makes me giggle. but hey i don't know do I? lol.
BlindGossip.com is the least reliable BI source, fyi. I remember when they were just a site that aggregated BIs from other sources and they aren't affiliated with legit sources like E! and haven't built their credibility like CDAN has. And their BIs are always very vague and just stories based on popular BIs.
me too, that's why i also thought it's John Travolta. also don't know how Ben would fit into that Hair Club thing, since John has 'hair issues'.
^ oh of course he does. hmmm. but as pointed out, information comes via blindgossip.com.
Well, I was kind of kidding about Ben Affleck being the answer. It probably is Travolta. It's just that Affleck seems to get picked for every BI, even the ones that don't quite fit, but the one time he fits every single clue in the BI, no one is naming him.

There were those rumors about Ben Affleck and Matt Damon having hooker parties where they would stare lovingly into each others eyes, and gay rumors. Also, I swear there were what seemed like never-ending rumors about him having hair plugs post-Armageddon right up until everyone just got sick of talking about him. Everything else fits, too. He has a wife and kids at home, and he's been keeping a low profile for the past couple of years, only showing up on the occasional magazine cover when he's got a movie coming out.
i didn't see the social network, but this andrew kid, hes in that movie isnt he ?

maybe it all went to his head when all the award talk for this movie started rolling in. :ermm:
^yes, and he´s also nominated for a GG. He doesn´t look like the type though...
Garfield is very artsy and apparently respects himself very highly, but judging from all the castmates from his recent movies he's very much adored. i don't think he'd change in just few months to an extend they would want to sack him from Spiderman.

Agreed! But ALL the clues add up to Andrew :( NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I refuse believe any gay rumours about Ben and Matt lol. They are just childhood friends who grew up together. BFFs forever. I'm like that with my BFF doesn't mean we are humping. She's like my sister so it's eww.
Yeah but if you go to ONTD and all these sites, in every post about B.Lively people talk about how she's 'servicing' Harvey for all these roles and stuff. People took that BI and ran away with it and jumped to their conclusions which they always bring up when it comes to her.
I find it curious that Blake Lively would be judged more harshly for allegedly sleeping with one married man than for sleeping three married men? :lol:

3 is Andrew Garfield. He ticks the bars and he looks to be a guy who will out you with a comment and be all sassy about it.

I love how none of the gossip sites even know any B-list rappers to make a guess :lol: that BI just screams Wiz Khalifa to me.

RE: The blonde sleeping with Weinstein. It's Blake that was rumored to accept his offer; the popular guess for the actress that turned him down is Jessica Alba.
new dose with guesses from ONTD

CDAN – This B- list actress from a CBS comedy had to stop getting a Brazilian wax done professionally because her g*nital w*rts just will not go away.
Most popular guess is Kaley Cuoco.

CDAN – Although all the women who announced they were pregnant in the past two weeks all have boyfriends or husbands, one of the women is unsure if it is said boyfriend/husband or the guy she was cheating with.
Most popular guess is Kate Hudson.

NewYorkPost – Which TV star is so desperate to milk his image as a caring father that he tips off fotogs to catch him being a doting dad in public places — then hands the kid back to its mother once the snapper has his shot?
Most popular guess is Kelsey Grammer.

CDAN – And you thought Demi Lovato was the worst tweener. Well, she is, but this still A list tweener and C list to the rest of the world broke up with her boyfriend after she got an ab*rtion.
No popular guesses. The comments just go into an abortion debate.

BuzzFoto – People sometimes forget that this young and talented actor was a child star. In his early acting days he claims he once had a steamy make-out session with the girl who played his sister on the show.
Most popular guess is Shia Labeouf.
BlindGossip – There are so many Golden Globe Awards after-parties that it’s almost impossible to avoid bumping into someone you don’t particularly want to see. These contentious and very famous exes wound up at the same party, literally within a few feet of each other. When someone asked her if she knew that her ex was there, our actress simply rolled her eyes and calmly returned to the previous topic. She did manage, however, to make a sarcastic comment about another famous film actress who was at the awards show (but not this particular after-party). When someone commented that the other actress only had one film project in the works, our actress commented “Well, she certainly has a promising career ahead of her in television.”
No popular guesses.
^ I was thinking the same, it says "still A list tweener". HSM is over right? and I´d say she´s a C list to the rest of the world...
^ That was my first thought, too...and she certainly appears to be a swinging girl... B)
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