Prada S/S 2012 Milan

imagine how embarrassing it will be for fashionistas when their toddler kids ask them in the future "ma, why're you wearing our bedroom curtains?"

EDIT: Ok, so I kind of like it. haha!
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I love the pleated skirts :)

I am a sheep for miuccia, always! I gotta get that pleated car printed skirt! I love her prints: I liked the monkeys last spring, the beach before that, and the snakeskin print the spring before too!
The collection is very beautiful, I love the prints! I like everything he does Miuccia, she is amazing :)
Well, I'm not crazy for this collection. The references are quite funny but the clothes don't look as good as the accessories. The last part is quite good, though.
It might look better in the magazines.
immediately think of the mj car bags a few seasons ago, or dior trailortrash from back a while ago, the styling felt like dior..i like the shoes a lot as well, however the clothes fall a bit short to me - i wanted something more at the end perhaps some pageant looks or something.
^^^ u speak the truth - i'm absolutely in love with all of the accessories... especially the bags!!!
People obviously only love this because it's Prada. If some lesser known designer had done this I doubt anyone would even throw a second look at this.

After last season's magnificent show Miuccia gives rods? :blink: After a fantastic fall collection with intricate layering, immense detail and true innovation she gives us Hot Rods? Really? I see nothing but silliness here. Yes Miuccia is unconventional and everyone knows she's the epitome of quirky offbeat style, but this collection comes off as dippy more than inventive. Miuccia RARELY crosses that line, but she has here, which kinda makes it look like Miuccia just couldn't be bothered.
Come on! These shoes are just silly. I mean, really. Maybe it's because I have a 10 year old son who actually PLAYS WITH hot wheels and matchbox cars; maybe it's because I've therefore had to sit through enough talking car/truck/tractor movies to turn to slasher films as respite. But!! No matter what it is, I cannot abide by the wearing and donning of such ridiculous accessories. The fruits were bad enough. Nor will I ever wear car print shirts or tacky flame-emblazoned skirts. I don't care if the label says "PRADA." :rolleyes:

However, all that having being said, I DO love :heart: how she's returned, here, to the roots of her quirky vintage-inspired *abstract/graphic* prints of the 90s version of Prada. It's a throwback to what I really used to love about her work. And it's what made her brand truly famous. That is when everyone went around muttering "Prada, prada, prada" because she took such care in her fabric choices. It may've been somewhat kitschy, but I think it was more nostalgic than anything, and it really riffed on the vintage shopping craze that rose up in the late 80s, early 90s.

I don't feel the same vibe from this collection overall (although there are sparks - no pun intended); instead, all the car references feel tacky to me. But that's just my review. Seemingly many people here love it.
I would like to ask a question of those women who think they like this collection-

Why do you want to adopt the look, wear the scent, carry the bag, of a 1950's middle American housewife?

In terms of the Prada corporation's 'bet' on 'sweetness' - is sweetness what you really want to feel and convey to the world? Is that what women should now be - sweet?

It's probably not necessary to consider feminism directly but perhaps think of your own mothers or grandmothers, women socialised in the 1950's, and how you try to help them overcome problems caused by deferrence, mundanity, piousness, emptiness, guilt, etc?

Always remembering that other sartorial choices are available, are we really to be nostalgic for a return to such a world?

I think presently that this corporate 'bet' should be seen as deeply offensive. That the correct response should in fact be anger. But it seems that most of you will hand over your money at the counter - dutifully, sweetly.

I'm not being facetious. I ask sincerely. I'm genuinely interested. I can see there could be several possible answers but I'd like to not second guess but hear people's thoughts...
I think when Prada used to use vintage inspired fabrics and prints, Muccia would still cut the clothing in a modern way. So to me, the modern edge of the cut offset the nostalgia of the print. Plus, back then she was one of the first to mix prints (which is everywhere now). For example:


nibs blog

I don't feel that throughout this collection - for the most part. I mainly get a cheap feeling from the "car gimmick", like I've been had. There are some pieces that harken back to her beautiful use of prints/patterns, but the cut is less sleek and sophisticated, although I realize the move is toward a boxier silhouette in general. For example, this coat:

I think when Prada used to use vintage inspired fabrics and prints, Muccia would still cut the clothing in a modern way. So to me, the modern edge of the cut offset the nostalgia of the print. Plus, back then she was one of the first to mix prints (which is everywhere now). For example:

nibs blog

I don't feel that throughout this collection - for the most part. I mainly get a cheap feeling from the "car gimmick", like I've been had. There are some pieces that harken back to her beautiful use of prints/patterns, but the cut is less sleek and sophisticated, although I realize the move is toward a boxier silhouette in general. For example, this coat:

Yes, you touch on the thing I find most important about this collection. At first I was wondering why anyone would send out the models in such disfiguring (leather?) coats - that are indeed the opposite of sleek - and managing to make the last model on the runway (Poly) look like a huge curtain covered tent is no small feat. Then, it struck me that perhaps this is the best thing about the collection - if the clothes do not enforce a sleek silhouette, instead it gives people liberty to not necessarily be sleek themselves and still wear the clothes....looking no more humorous than your average top model.

So in that sense it would be a feminist message...made humorous by the cars, of course, the clothes may not look like they were built for speed unless you look at the prints.

This is not my favourite Prada collection, but I appreciate the ideas underlying it. And some of the prints and textures are beautiful.
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I would like to ask a question of those women who think they like this collection-

Why do you want to adopt the look, wear the scent, carry the bag, of a 1950's middle American housewife?

In terms of the Prada corporation's 'bet' on 'sweetness' - is sweetness what you really want to feel and convey to the world? Is that what women should now be - sweet?

It's probably not necessary to consider feminism directly but perhaps think of your own mothers or grandmothers, women socialised in the 1950's, and how you try to help them overcome problems caused by deferrence, mundanity, piousness, emptiness, guilt, etc?

Always remembering that other sartorial choices are available, are we really to be nostalgic for a return to such a world?

I think presently that this corporate 'bet' should be seen as deeply offensive. That the correct response should in fact be anger. But it seems that most of you will hand over your money at the counter - dutifully, sweetly.

I'm not being facetious. I ask sincerely. I'm genuinely interested. I can see there could be several possible answers but I'd like to not second guess but hear people's thoughts...

I'm always a little wary of the present generation's eagerness to be nostalgic about any "golden" era of the past for the reasons you mention, myself (look at the Tea Party in the US, for example). The romanticization of the fifties especially.

But at the same time, I respect the effort to forget the bad and "reclaim" the good -- some women just want to play around with these images. The reasons can be purely aesthetic but I imagine quite a few women are well aware of the trickiness of that wholesome fifties image and would like to turn it on its head a little bit (notice the bare midriff styling, for example). The review mentions it, but there's a little bit of toughness in here as well. Hints of something more. Hints of other options.

Is it a corporate bet? I don't know. I have some faith in Miuccia as the style-driver here (and I admit it's because she's a woman, heh), but even if it was a bet, I suppose there's a good reason for it. Maybe the Mad Men obsession is real. In which case, wow...more complicated questions and implications here. This topic could go on for a while. :shock:

One litttttle nitpick re: the word "should:" I think women will be what they want and react how they want. ;) Not how they should.
whatever---this hurt my eyes...:glare:
i'm not jumping on this party bus...
i'm gonna wait for paris...

(except i liked the swimsuits(?)...some of them were sexy and very slimming...a good combo)
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Usually I like Prada, but this does not move me. It's very average to be honest.
Resort was so incredibly strong and dynamic; full of ideas and so exciting. Therefore, I was personally expecting this collection to have much more of a definitive aesthetic and strong message.

By comparison however, this collection is an absolute mundane, monotonous bore. Everything she could have said and explored was exhausted in the Resort collection. There was nowhere to go from there and I don't know why she bothered?

And on a side note, the attempt at trying to be creative / exciting here, quite simply made me laugh. The jacket that was worn half falling off the girls shoulder? Hilarious! Her attempts at trying to be 'new' are becoming quite farcical at this point. Hopefully she will return with something much more dynamic for Fall 2012/2013.
The only look I really love is the coat with the orange-red roses. This collection just doesn't appeal to me at all as a whole.

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