's Top Ten New Faces - F/W 07.08

OMG Bianca!!!! Viviane Orth is a very good remark. She could make the list as well. I completely forgot about her - she had great season. I would like to add her on my list next to Masha and Sheila!:D
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I think everyone's lists are more similar this season. I guess because there seem to be 5-6 locks that almost cannot be left out. But editors are not always logical, so it will be very interesting...

Ok, this is my final list. No more changes for me. :blush:

Catherine McNeil
Irina Kulikova
Olga Sherer
Kasia Struss
Alyona Osmanova
Diana Moldovan
Kinga Rajzak
(the last three are so tricky!)
Johanna Stickland
Johanna Jonsson
Sheila Marquez

Strongest alternatives: Anabela, Carolina Pantoliano, Masha Tyelna.

I said all along I don't think they will include both Johannas, but I really want JoJo to make it, so I'm going against my own feeling that she'll be overlooked. And I also just realized that she's probably DNA's only chance to get a girl on the list. Not sure if that's a factor, but who knows... Everything is politics, politics is everything.

I really think Masha could make it, she was the coolest surprise, but she maybe showed up just a little too late, only five shows after all. And I think she'll be saved for next season... Same with Anabela.
John Black said:
OMG Bianca!!!! Viviane Orth is a very good remark. She could make the list as well. I completely forgot about her - she had great season. I would like to add her on my list next to Masha and Sheila!:D

I had Viviane originally as well, but since she did open Dior last season, I'm not sure if she'll be noted this time around...but she's still a possibility!
I really cant wait to see the official list. I am pretty sure they will surprise us with their pics :D as they always do.
Li Ya Fan said:
I said all along I don't think they will include both Johannas, but I really want JoJo to make it, so I'm going against my own feeling that she'll be overlooked. And I also just realized that she's probably DNA's only chance to get a girl on the list. Not sure if that's a factor, but who knows... Everything is politics, politics is everything.
Good point. I don't know either (does anyone in the biz even care about these lists?), but I imagine it's definitely taken into consideration...

Agency statistics from the last three seasons (since they started doing 'new' faces and not a gazillion repeats).

Women/Supreme: 3
IMG: 1
DNA: 1
Next: 1
Marylin: 1
Ford: 1
Trump: 1
1 mgmt: 1

Supreme: 3
IMG: 2
DNA: 1
Marilyn: 1
Ford: 1
Elite: 1
Elite Paris: 1 (Leah, now with 1 mgmt)

IMG: 4
Women/Supreme: 2
DNA: 1
Marylin: 1
Ford: 1
Elite: 1

SS07 was surprisingly even. But IMG and Women were more dominant than ever this season. NEXT has Catherine, 1 MGMT has Olga, DNA will probably get one spot, but the rest are pretty much from the two power houses.

It'll be interesting, though. If Georgia makes it in spite of her poor European season, one could suspect that her agency factored in (along with the pre-season hype).

Ford has no one (they all went to Women anyway, hah), and I don't see anyone from Elite, Trump or any of the other agencies who even stand a chance.
Nelly Cat said:
Ford has no one (they all went to Women anyway, hah), and I don't see anyone from Elite, Trump or any of the other agencies who even stand a chance.

This season will be a huge blow out with Women/Supreme leading the pack without a doubt. There are 3 girls at Supreme (Johanna S., Alyona Osmanova, and Carolina Pantoliano) that we're all focused on, and 3 girls at Women (Kasia Struss, Sheila Marquez, and Masha Tylena). That's more than half of the list! I'd say that they're likely to dominate again.
I hadn't thought that much about the agencies. In relation to the list, I mean, it's pretty obvious that IMG and Women are dominating in general.

Remember how surprised everyone was last season when Daiane didn't make the list? Makes me wonder if the fact that Women/Supreme would then have made up nearly half of the list played a part in that decision...

I wouldn't be surprised if someone from Women/Supreme will be this season's "overlooked" one...

My guess is it'll be something like Women/Supreme 4 (2+2), IMG 3, Next 1, DNA 1, ONE 1. With a small opening for Marilyn with Georgia, probably taking one of IMG's spots, or a wild card like Ali making it 2 for DNA. But I don't see Women/Supreme getting more than 4 spots.
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Alright here it goes (in no particular order)
Catherine McNeil
Kasia Struss
Irina Kulikova
Olga Sherer
Diana Moldovan
Kinga Rajzak
Alyona Osmanova
Ali Michael- didn't do as well as other girls, but Style seems to like her
Johanna J.
Carolina Pantoliano
Hmmm, let's see:

Catherine McNeil
Irina Kulikova
Diana Moldovan
Olga Sherer
Alyona Osmanova
Kasia Struss
Kinga Rajzak
Johana Jonsson
Sheila Marquez

Where is the link on style that has the list of past Top 10. I'm interested to see older ones and see how well they predicted these girls will do.
Ok here we go. I feel like I've developed a stomach ulcer already trying to decode and problem solve this absolutely intangible list :lol:! I finally decided to weigh heavily towards newer faces than breakthroughs. There's a large chance I'll be putting my foot in my mouth for not choosing Alyona Osmanova, but I'm just gonna follow my gut.

Catherine McNeil
Kasia Struss
Irina Kulikova
Olga Sherer
Diana Moldovan
Carolina Pantoliano
Johanna Jonsson
Johanna Strickland
Sheila Marquez
Masha Tyelna
This is somewhat off-topic, but I didn't see another place to ask. Who are some of the people who have made the list more than once??
From the top of my head, I only know of Kim Noorda. She made the list thrice I believe!

And better start shoving those toes in already:judge:

Heather Marks, and Jessica Stam were on the list twice: Heather, I believe was for Spring/Summer 2004 and Spring/Summer 2005 and Stam was Fall/Winter 2004 and Spring/Summer 2005, If I remember correctly. I think Daria made the list twice as well.
Marina Perez, Lily Donaldson, and Hana Soukupova have made the list twice as well.
Mr-Dale said:
And better start shoving those toes in already:judge:


Ohh we'll see. You already called her this season's Daiane, and I agree. Just like Daiane, I don't believe that she'll be there. But hey if you're right, I'll upgrade to premium and make a big avatar saying that you were right. :boxer:
^ Hahaha :p

By the way...I'm gonna scrap Lara Stone of my list and add Johanna Jonsson...I don't think there'll be repeats after all. :flower:
Has anyone mentioned Jessica Beyers? She opened Jil Sander and she is in top ten Europe faces. I totally forgot about her, but to be honest I'm not a huge fan of her look and I'm not going to edit my list, but I should have listed her a definate possiblity.
^Hm, I'm going to say no to Jessica because of precedence...Diana M. opened last season and did a few shows (Which is what Jessica did), but she didn't exactly blossom until this season (And will probably be on the list this time around). Style is more prone to take the Prada opener and not the Jil Sander girl -- but who knows!

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