I Love Blind Items ! #2

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^I don't get that 'poor Jen' thing.
She wilfully gets into fake relationships to promote her atrocious movies (and with notorious jerks too - Brad was pretty much the last semi-decent guy she has been involved with) and plants rumours and stories about herself in tabloids to keep herself relevant (just see this week's People cover, pathetic).
Her unassuming girl-next-door image is a complete fabrication and yet she gets to be hugely popular and make millions from having no discernable talent.
Why feel sorry for her?
lainey put a hint for a BI, does anyone know which one she's talkin about?
This one, most likely.
^ Courtney Cox? :shock:
I never would have guessed her for a rage-aholic diva.
If it's true...her poor children. :(
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^ Well, if Jennifer's image is a complete fabrication, it is really convincing, to me anyway... She filmed "Office Space" a few years back at a friend's restaurant in Austin, and everybody was totally in love with her, she was so nice...So, who knows... ;)
^oh, I'm not saying she treats people like dirt behind the scenes like some other stars or anything like that. I am saying she is very fake in term of the image she puts out there (talking to the press about her hired boyfriends as if they're real relationships while they are used primarily to promote her movies, pretending to be fed up with tabloids when her PR team leak half the stories, etc).

I mean, you will never hear a bad thing about Tom Cruise in term of how he treats people (big tipper, supper nice to fans, generous to film crew, professional, etc), that doesn't mean he isn't the biggest fraud in Hollywood.
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i totally forgot Jen "dated" Bradley, so..it's really her, either way. she's really become an epitome of "fake relationships".

and i agree with Harumi, although i did feel sorry for her when all the Brad this came tumbling down and will always take "her" side on it, it's really time to finish with all the "poor Jen, always left away and unlucky" image she's been raving ever since 2005.

oh and jesus, Courtney is one psycho. O_o
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^ Well, if Jennifer's image is a complete fabrication, it is really convincing, to me anyway... She filmed "Office Space" a few years back at a friend's restaurant in Austin, and everybody was totally in love with her, she was so nice...So, who knows... ;)

Office Space came out in 1999, meaning it was likely filmed in 1998. A sweet humble person can change after 12 years of intense fame.
Or, she still could be the sweet girl your friend met but doesn't mean she's not engaging in media manipulation and fraudulent relationships on order to protect or further her image in the romance department.
I absolutely think this one is Brad & Angelina. The last sentence says it all. It will break a lot of hearts and not just those of their fans - meaning, their many kids.

That couple is absolutely them...sad in a relationship like that.

In one of the previous BIs...I have never thought Courtney is a person like that. :doh:
this seems relevant:


CNN vs Jennifer Aniston

People Magazine may be buying up all the real estate inside Jennifer Aniston’s *** but CNN has taken a decidedly different approach. Which is very surprising. And amazingly smutty. Mainstream outlets don’t usually go for the snark. Theirs is the clean and friendly approach. This why the Blog began to grow. Because you, me, the collective We were sick of the celebrity press machine spinning bullsh-t covered in sugar.

However CNN’s Showbiz Tonight the other night sounded more like a gossip blog than an entertainment tv show. Thanks to Sarah for the link.

They devoted 9 MINUTES to breaking down the Aniston Fraud.


Yes. 9 minutes of what they call her Love Hoax, straight up calling her out on her PR shenanigans, suggesting that Fabulous at 40! pretends to date people only when she has to sell a movie.


Yes. They discussed her “attention-seeking antics” on the heels of her Golden Globes “flirtation” with Spittle Gerard Butler to promote The Bounty Hunter, comparing it to her convenient Oscar date with John Mayer last year for the release of He’s Just Not That Into You. Then they introduced what they christened the Jennifer Aniston Pre-Movie Checklist noting 3 patented plays that Team Aniston always puts on the field when she wants you to see her at the movies. These plays are as follows:

1. Date a famous guy.
2. Racy magazine photos.
3. Tell-all interview about Brad Pitt

As if all that wasn’t enough, CNN then invited two panellists onto the program to collectively analyse Aniston’s famewhore game together. FULL FRONTAL ASSAULT.

This is almost unprecedented. All in good fun, but it’s extremely rare. And she’ll hear about it too. Stephen Huvane will hear about it and he will punish CNN. He’ll shut them out of her junket room, he’ll kick them off her carpet...

This is how the game works, this is why so many mainstream agencies have to stick their fingers down their throats to be nice. Journalistic freedom? Please. Not with the A list.

Which is why segments like these are so rare. Enjoy it while you can. (the video of the CNN story is in the link)
I am so sick of the media going after Jennifer. Seriously, she does what every celebrity does. Why are the women different? George Clooney has a child on his arm every year.
I am so sick of the media going after Jennifer. Seriously, she does what every celebrity does. Why are the women different? George Clooney has a child on his arm every year.
oh that's a good point. ;) just look at canalis pimping for the oscars. patriarchy's un-avoidable even in oh-so-liberal-hollywood world.
I am so sick of the media going after Jennifer. Seriously, she does what every celebrity does. Why are the women different? George Clooney has a child on his arm every year.

totally agree. In Lainey's defense she's been all over the George-pimping-out-his-relationships story for a while. But the mainstream media is definitely more about picking on the women
new blind item

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Today's Blind Items

This B list actress from an NBC drama was at the Golden Globes on Sunday. It turns out she had forgot her little bag of white powder in the limo. So there she was after the show started wandering around on her phone trying to find her limo. When someone tried to help her all she could remember was her driver had an accent. Out in the rain with an umbrella, getting splashed she spent 30 minutes looking before having success.

Posted by ent lawyer at 1:08 PM

Labels: blind item


This star has a husband who doesn’t bring in hardly any income and is fine living off his rich celebrity bride. He told his friends he has married the golden meal ticket and has gotten into the habit of having his buddies over at her expense. The men will sit around and play video games all day, drink, dabble in drugs and watch sports. The buddies have even been treated to several trips to the strip club from the money this actress has pulled in. The hubby apparently has no regard for his wife or her feelings and now gets angry if she tells him to send his friends home.
This star is so fed up with her mooch of a husband that she is having a lawyer look into her finances to see what her options are. Because they have a child/children she doesn’t want a divorce, but she wants to separate their finances completely and cut him off. Can you blame her?

Not Jessica Alba.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Today's Blind Items

This B list actress from an NBC drama was at the Golden Globes on Sunday. It turns out she had forgot her little bag of white powder in the limo. So there she was after the show started wandering around on her phone trying to find her limo. When someone tried to help her all she could remember was her driver had an accent. Out in the rain with an umbrella, getting splashed she spent 30 minutes looking before having success.

Posted by ent lawyer at 1:08 PM

Labels: blind item


Hayden Panettiere? Michelle Trachtenberg?
no!" Hayden was not at the golden globes - she is/was in Miami. and I don't remember if Trachtenberg was at the globes but i think she wasn't there
^ B List actress from NBC? That would cover about 80% of the red carpet... :shock:
^People on that blog are guessing Julianna Margulies, Mariska Hargitay or Kristen Bell (even though she's not doing any NBC shows at the moment). I doubt it's any of them, especially Mariska.

We should probably look for someone who looks a bit disheveled on the red carpet - if they went looking for it in the rain (even with an umbrella).
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#1 - This now C list only movie actress who used to be a B and creeping towards an A is back off the wagon. At a recent event she had so much free wine that she was knocking things off shelves and walls but didn't seem to care.

people on crazy days and nights.com are considering Marisa Tomei, Eva Mendes and Kirsten Dunst

What do you guys think?

by the way: are you also having troubles with the forum on fashionspot.com lately?
^ Yeah, there have been all kinds of tech problems- but they're working on it... ^_^
I like all three of those actresses...humm... :unsure:
I don't think Kirsten is creeping back towards A, but Tomei is due to her Oscar nomination last year.

Also Mendes is not even close to A-list, considering her film work.
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