Keeping Up With Lindsay #2 (please put all Lohan news here)

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Lindsay Lohan wants to be a mom! The star has confided to a pal that she’s determined to stay sober and thinks the best way for her to achieve that goal is to get pregnant. According to the pal, Lindsay, 24, hates being alone and thinks a baby would make the perfect companion. She’s seen what motherhood has done for former party girl Nicole Richie and thinks it can do the same for her. “She needs to be around someone nearly 24 hours a day,” the pal says. “She thinks having a baby could straighten out her life.”

A keep-me-sober baby! Didn't work for White Oprah.

Court should intervene -- solitary confinement -- for the good of the country.
she looks even worse on camera than in pictures:shock:
she looks older than Chelsea! seems like she lost her acting abiliy as well, which was probably the only thing she ever had going for her in the first place. why would anybody pay money for a project with her when there are so many new, young, fresh, reliable and talented pretty girls in Hollywood without a screwed reputation? she still seems to think she's glamorous, when even Paris tries not to portray the party girl image anymore (at least not to the extend of a few years back)
that was cringe to watch. i love how it's ok for her to make fun of herself but when a commercial was supposedly talking about her when they called the milkaholic baby 'lindsay', she thinks it's worth to sue them for a 100 million dollars!
She poked fun at all the tabloid 'rumors' last year with that Funny or Die sketch, then she was sent to jail, now she's out and doing it again. Seriously washed up!
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^ Yes- the lawyers for E Trade were cheering this one!! Case dismissed- she even makes fun of herself and her reputation!! :woot: B)
I just don't understand why some people here don't give her a break. Yeah, she's messed up and whatnot. But this is just mean.
^ Well, when you go on Network TV making fun of yourself after suing someone else for $100 Million for doing the same thing... :rolleyes:
My goodness, can't she ever stop embarrassing herself (and the 13 fans she has left)? Everything about that sketch is cringeworthy: her "acting", her extensions, the way she's looking exactly like her 48 year-old mother at just 24 years of age, the fact that she's yet again trying to make light of her situation (which is nothing to be joked about). When will she stop?
for some silly reason i thought she'd be away for a while, from all the partying and silly tv appearances and try to come back with a bang. but not only has she not surrounded herself with the right people to manage her life, but she's made herself a massive liability and no one will want to hire her. no one respectable at least.

her making fun of her situation on MTV a couple of weeks after being released early just shows how she only craves the attention that acting and hollywood give you! if she wanted to protect herself and her career she would've held out on being on the spotlight for a while
Lindsay Lohan's career rehab train may have a stop at NBC's famed "Saturday Night Live."

Lohan is in conversations to host "SNL" on Dec. 4, according to a source familiar with the deal.

The NBC late-nighter would give Lohan 90 minutes to prove to those who may still care about her career that she is employable after a string of run-ins with the law and rehab stints.

She's currently on a strict post-jail program in California that requires four psychotherapy sessions, two addiction counseling sessions and five 12-step meetings every week plus random drug testing twice a week.

Providing she doesn't mess up before hand, those rules will be lifted on Nov. 1.

Word of the "SNL" possibility comes just a day after Lohan turned up in a well-recieved taped bit on MTV's "Video Music Awards," in which she poked fun at her own life.

In the skit, she questioned whether "VMA" host Chelsea Handler had been drinking before the show.

"You think anyone would work with a drunk?" Lohan said, pushing Handler against the wall.

She's also being chased by the morning news shows, all eager to land the first post-probation interview.

If "SNL" happens, it won't be Lohan's first trip to the long-running series. She hosted the May 1, 2004 edition of the program and was back again on April 16, 2006.

In 2006, she poked fun at the tabloid stories revolving around her allegedly bad behavior when, during the monologue, Keenan Thompson walked on stage playing a drunk guy in rabbit costume.

She then joked about how he was a role model for children and he should not be drunk on TV.

Given her willingness to be the brunt of a joke on Sunday's "VMA's," it's likely "SNL" will feed on her recent courtroom and jail shenanigans.

"We never comment on upcoming hosts until they're announced," said an "SNL" spokeswoman.

nydaily news
I wonder if they would have a chaperon with her 24/7 like they did with John Belushi towards the end...
So much for being on probation in LA. Here she is on Monday with two random women shopping in NYC. via Emilee
^ God- can you imagine being put back in the slammer for shopping!!!? :blink: I mean either it is a probation violation issue, or she was given permission to, what, hit some good shoe sales in Soho?? :huh:
^ So more than 4 years later, Michael is stepping in?? Huh? What about the, you know, Police, District Attorney, Medical Board- he is going to get to the bottom of this?? And how does one refuse to go to the hospital when she did what Lindsay did? No ambulance, emergency call? Is it me or does none of this make any sense (as is usually the case with these clowns..) :blink:
^ It explains her long time attachment to Chateau Marmont. Would seem they have their own medical team, for celebrities, who work outside the legal system.
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No cheers here: The day after Lindsay Lohan taped her pro-sobriety VMA guest spot with Chelsea Handler, the fresh-out-of-rehab star, 24, was back to her old habits, a source tells Us Weekly.
"It's the same old cycle of lying and denials," an insider says of the Machete star, who was spotted at NYC club Boom Boom Room until the wee hours of the night of September 11, just 18 days after she was released from her court-ordered postjail treatment at UCLA's Neurophysciatric hospital.
"She's telling everyone she didn't go out," says the insider. "We're like, 'Lindsay, people saw you there!'"
A witness at the hot spot notes, "It looked like she didn't want to be noticed."
(Edited) friends are concerned she's back in the club scene.
"Everything that she went through seems not to have changed her a bit," says the friend. "It's sad."
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