Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart dating? #3

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so i guessed right - some of these are indeed from a professional photographer (btw, that girl could easily get into legal trouble for putting tags on these as they're copyrighted by the official photographer who put them online in the first place, probably for selfpromotion).

tho, some of the pics posted here are clearly not from that set, so that leaves the creepy at place considering one of the guests actually stalked them during the party and put the pics up. :/

either way, thanks for clearing this up. :)
No problem. Pictures from last year or early this year were indeed from private FB.
I actually want to know where this wedding was held lol. The place looks beautiful. Rob and Kristen apparently stayed at Ojai valley Inn that weekend so maybe Ventura area. :rolleyes:
Malkin talked to Jackson Rathbone (Jasper Hale) at the 2011 Teen Vogue Young Hollywood Party

Fortunately, the look didn’t carry over to the big wedding scene with Robert Pattinson Edward.

We had to keep telling ourselves it was fake,” Rathbone said. “We’ve been watching this relationship develop and even though we’re playing the parts and at the end of the day we wash off that white face makeup and peel back the wigs that we’re wearing, when we were there at the wedding scene, all of us felt it. She just walked out, everybody was quiet. Your heart would skip a beat, you get kind of teary-eyed.”

I really can imagine this!

sorry, didn't know where else to put it...

were any twilight-cast-members at Nikki's wedding on Sunday? (not trying to start any sh*t, just curious)
So Nikki married that guy after all? Didnt have a clue! I mean she always gets engaged to he guys she dates but never goes I think Kristen is still in UK, Rob is in LA, but i doubt he went. Ashley probably went no? Kellan too?
i doubt R/K/T went.

nikki and that guy have only been dating a few months havent they ? :ermm:
interesting that shes marrying him already..

wonder when r/k's fifth wedding will be and if she attends :rofl:
Kellan was not - he just congratulated Nikki on twitter.
i goggled a bit and apparently they didn't went to the wedding, i found this in few articles.
thanks for the info:flower:

despite this seeming very quick and weird i wish them the best, Nikki seems like she desperately needs stability in her life, this guy seems super creepy to me but if he can give her that i guess it's all good.
i don't follow her so all news i get are about her creepiness regarding this guy on ONTD. the nail thing, her twitter bio etc. she always gets hooked quickly, and then breaks up, i hope she's gonna be okay with this guy, but i doubt it's going to last...then again, who knows...good luck!
The title up there should read Kate Moss gives K-Stew lessons in fashion.
Alvie - here's basically a confirmation no one from the cast attended Nikki's wedding. to tell you the truth, i don't find it that surprising that Rob or Kristen were MIA, but no one from the cast? weird.
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