Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2013

I loved Izabel's posing, but in my opinion she's been looking a little "too harsh" She has strong features so it would've been nice to see her have a sweeter/more playful expression.
I think Izabel is one of those who need to go already, she & Jessica Hart.

And Malaika needs to never come back too, at least not until she actually looks like an adult and not like a 13 years old, she makes 2010 Chanel look like a grown up.
My thoughts on the show

Brit Invasion- as beautiful as candice is, SHE CANT OPEN! she doesnt have the power to set the tone of the show. Karlie was divine, that look on adrianna was one of the sexiest vs has ever had. only adrianna could pull it off. Kasia was amazing, she was beyond sexy and added class to the segment with her body movements. Devon...:( you were a great casting choice but you needed more energy. like morgane with her guitar in 2006 pink.
Taylor was so annoying and overpowering i almost wanted to turn the tv.
Shipwrecked- Toni and Sigrid:woot:
Birds of Paradise- Jac Jablonski is one of the most beautiful faces in the world but VS never shows that for some reason. she needs more screen time. Magdalena and Maria B were both goddesses on that runway. And erin is obviously bitter about something with the VS team cause she has made it very apparent she wants nothing to do with the company, even while on the runway.
Pink- it was great to me. Ieva did good. Jessicas body is outstanding. Ming Xi was so cute. CBN with that little dance made me smile. Josephine was hot, Malaika was sooo cute with the face of a 13 year old girl. and JAC was awesome! she had so much energy and was adorable. although her outfit was a disgrace she rocked it and you could tell she was having fun. If they would have taken away that big OMG pillow from her outfit it would have been perfectly fine.
Finale- Taylor ruined it and tried too hard to hold her own against the models. Karlies body is becoming very womanly and sexy. Lindsay Ellingson is too pretty for words, Sui He literally looks like an angel(prettiest in the entire show imo). Constance with that straight hair was so breathtaking and added class to the show, and Maryna :woot:

Overall the outfits and casting was the best in years but the music and editing was the worst in years so the show balances out to a C+.
the remix in Parisian Nights was the only music I enjoyed during all those segments...and so did that segment.I LOVE everything about it.:heart:I wish they would do more remix than having so many performers...especially when they are not that great for the show:doh:
Serkan Cura is the designer of this years show.:)

Serkan Cura, the Belgian-born, Antwerp-educated, Jean Paul Gaultier–schooled feather designer responsible for much of the splendor to be seen tonight during the Victoria’s Secret runway show (what are angels without feathers, after all?) tells us all about falling for feathers and landing the biggest job of his career.

How did you get the job?
I went to a meeting with [stylist] Sophia Neophitou, and at first, I didn’t totally understand what she was saying. I thought she was just asking me about how I made things, but then I started to realize she actually wanted me to create something for the show. After the meeting, I left the hotel and immediately called my boyfriend and said, “I’m not entirely sure what just happened, but I think Victoria’s Secret wants me to make costumes for their show.” I was standing there on the street in shock.

How did you get interested in feather work?
When I was 13 years old, I went to a flea market near my school almost every day and I saw this amazing bird of paradise. I bought it, and that was it. Years later, the last remaining feather store in Paris, Maison Février, was closing, so I borrowed money from my mother, sold all my jewelry and my apartment, and I bought every single feather they had, the whole inventory. When I finally went through it all, I discovered it included a jacket with swan feathers that had been worn by Marlene Dietrich and a pink egret hat worn by Josephine Baker. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I took it. So now I have enough feathers for 100 years. I don’t have anything else—just my feathers and my boyfriend—but it was worth it.

What is your favorite look in tonight’s show?
There is a white goose-feather look on Candice [Swanepoel], and when they slipped it on her, I got chicken skin. I have never seen a girl like that—the small waist, the hips—it fit her perfectly. Then when she was done with all the hair and makeup, she truly looked like an angel to me.

So you weren’t intimidated by all the beautiful models backstage?
I have never met girls like this before. Not only are they so incredibly beautiful, but they are all so nice. You don’t meet girls like that in Paris. I told everyone if they ever have a job for me in New York, I would come in an instant. The people are wonderful, the atmosphere is wonderful—it truly feels like a place where anything is possible.

With the show airing tonight, what are your plans?
I am sitting in front of my computer right now. I’m in Paris and I am trying to find it on TV or on YouTube. I have called and e-mailed all of my friends saying, “I know it’s late, but please, please, please stay up to watch the Victoria’s Secret show!”
He has plagiarized some of his own designs but I can't blame him because at least those were amazing outfits. Tbh I prefer old inspired outfits than horrifying creative outfits ala Pink.
I did a huge review for the VSFS a couple of years ago and I decided to do another one. I have such a love-hate relationship with the show. Some of their choices are beyond brilliant, yet I continue to think why, why why? about some of their decisions.

I'm sorry it's so long. -.-


Favourite Angels
Adriana: Always one of my favourites. I thank the Lord she didn’t do any dumb dancing on the runway like during Angels in Bloom last year. She is, without a doubt, the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.
Behati: Behati is so fine! She’s transitioned from PINK girl to sophisticated Angel so well. But ENOUGH with Adam.
Candice: Candice is the bomb but she cannot open the show. Her body is insane but is no Gisele. She tries way too hard when she doesn’t even need to because she is so naturally sexy.
Doutzen: I have no words. Incredible. Effortless. If Doutzen doesn’t get the Fantasy Bra and open the show next year, I’m staging a protest.
Lily A: As much as her walk improved phenomenally this year, girl has no personality. BUT she looks so much better when she’s sultry, rather than smiling.

Favourite Non-Angels
Barbara: WOW. No crazy eyes this year, yay!
Cindy: Who is this beautiful girl? Amazing.
Maryna: Never fails to disappoint.

Least Favourite Models
Cara: Stop trying to make Cara for VS happen. It’s not going to happen. Stop slapping every *** you see.
Constance: I don’t get her. Her posing is terrible. Underwhelming.
Erin: What the hell, Erin? She looked so uncomfortably annoyed I experienced second hand embarrassment for her. But if Leonardo was in the crowd and having Toni backstage would have been uncomfortable for her. So I’ll let her off.
Hilary: Yeah, why? WHY?
Izabel: Did she get the memo that she is no longer an Angel? She may be gorgeous, but this isn’t the Izabel Show.
Jessica: NO.
Jourdan: Yawn. Her walk is mediocre and she wasn’t that memorable.
Kasia: Wtf?
Sigrid: Oh my gosh, why? Please don’t book her ever again.
Toni: Toni is beautiful but she’s boring.


British Invasion
Candice’s opening was sh*t. She basically ran down the runway. Girl is gorgeous, she doesn’t need to try so hard. It’s a shame Adriana’s walk had to be slowed down because Kasia was too slow in front of her.
Music: Meh. Fall Out Boy isn’t necessarily something I’d associate with a sexy fashion show. But VS isn’t really all that sexy anymore, is it? And I thought Pete Wentz was the singer *facepalm*. I used to be majorly anti-Swift, but she surprised me. No need to introduce yourself, Taylor. We know who you are. And this show isn’t about you.
Favourite outfits: Candice, Karlie (minus the gloves), Adriana (minus the hat), Cindy (minus the hat)
Worst outfits: Cara, Kasia (is this VS or a sex shop showing?), Devon, Lily A

Doutzen’s opening was perfect. And I loved the background graphics with the Instagram filter-looking shimmer thing, whatever it was. Sui, stop with the love hearts. That’s for PINK, not a slow segment like this. Go away, Adam Levine. Puke. It’s been said before, but oh well: Stop touching the piano. Constance’s wings remind me of Emanuela’s in 2011’s Put a Spell on You.
Music: I love this music.
Favourite outfits: Doutzen (minus the toilet paper wings), Candice, Lily A, Lindsay
Worst outfits: Toni

Parisian Nights
Everything from the music to the stage effects was perfect. Best segment of the show. The only let down was Cara’s drunk posing. Just no.
Music: I never thought Miley would be VS-appropriate, but girl brings it.
Favourite outfits: Adriana (WOW), Doutzen (very Gisele in 2003), Lais, Alessandra, Joan, Barbara (minus the Eiffel tower)
Worst outfits: None

Birds of Paradise
The feathers were very beautiful on some outfits. And the background graphics were lovely and bright and vibrant. Alessandra’s air guitar was great and Joan was a total sex bomb. And I loved Maria’s pose.
Music: What a wasted opportunity to play some real exotic Amazon-inspired music. Fall Out Boy? Please. How stupid. Was it just used because it happens to say ‘phoenix’?
Favourite outfits: Alessandra (her colour truly is baby/pale blue. Wowza), Erin (minus the b*tch face), Izabel, Jacqueline, Maria
Worst outfits: Magdalena

PINK Network
I like that Ieva opened, but Elsa would have been better. Lol at Valentino. That’s exactly how I feel during PINK.
Music: Great music. But unnecessary to have them perform. Just play their music; they don’t need to be there. Sigh.
Worst outfits: Everything. (Maybe Elsa’s wasn’t that bad. Without the stupid smiley face, it was alright.)

Snow Angels
Faux snow. YES!
Music: Gah, VS will never learn. Some great remixes over the last couple of years. But this year was pretty average, this song included. Taylor looked great, though. She held her own with the models.
Favourite outfits: Karlie, Maryna, Lily A (see: the corset), Doutzen, Magdalena
Worst outfits: None

Ah I loved the speaking roles the Angels got, ie. “Only on CBS.” More of these, please!

I also loved during the finale, the girls were kind of grouped depending on what outfit they were wearing. Like the finale girls walked first, then the Parisian Night girls. Especially with Lais, Kelly and Joan who all had their black lingerie on with the neck-to-between-boob strappy thing. I’m not sure why, but it looked really nice.

Looking back, I seem to be extremely opinionated, judgemental and/or passionate about the VSFS.
Unpopular opinion, BUT I think Sui He should one of the next angels. She's beautiful, has a great walk, looks fresh enough to attract the new VS target costumers of a younger age and mindset, and she's extremely relatable on top of it. Always smiling and playing and her little heart on the Shipwrecked segment? Sold.
I want to see Cindy Bruna do mainline and eventually become an Angel. Her pictures for Agent Provocateur Soiree were smokin. She has that Gisele/Karolina crossover appeal with the incredible body. Jac and Kelly Gale have it going on too.
For anyone who hasn't seen the show yet and needs to a streaming link...

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J H C @
I honestly don't know why VS continues to make these Fantasy Bras if they barely even mention the bra during the show.
Unpopular opinion, BUT I think Sui He should one of the next angels. She's beautiful, has a great walk, looks fresh enough to attract the new VS target costumers of a younger age and mindset, and she's extremely relatable on top of it. Always smiling and playing and her little heart on the Shipwrecked segment? Sold.
Not an unpopular opinion at all. (: It's being echoed a lot in the main VS thread.
Watched the pre-show again and I love Martha's feline beauty and all-american athleticism. I wouldn't mind seeing her replace Erin. Kelly Gale never ceases to amaze me. She has the face and body that could compete against the models during the Gisele, Karolina and Heidi days.
I find it funny how every year they say "This year is the best show so far":rofl:wrong!
Watched the pre-show again and I love Martha's feline beauty and all-american athleticism. I wouldn't mind seeing her replace Erin. Kelly Gale never ceases to amaze me. She has the face and body that could compete against the models during the Gisele, Karolina and Heidi days.

I know I'm in the minority here, but I couldn't disagree with you more. She looks like a little girl to me.

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