Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2010

I honestly could not differentiate between Martha Streck and some other girl.. I got really confused with Heavenly Bodies too.. :ninja:

Am I the only one that thought that Helouise was completely weird and vise-versa.. She looked so out of place at the group photos and then in the show I, in my honest opinion, thought she did really good [for the PINK section] and thought she had an amazing body! :blush:
I thought that Heloise looked good but I don't think that she looked out-of-place at all, other than her outfit being less silly, but she did a good job and her body was banging.
^agreed. I liked her at the VSFS. She seemed to have a lot of fun when she was out there. I actually just re watched some of it on youtube and I noticed I keep replaying the game on segment.

I also noticed that one of the reasons Julia was walking so weird in the first segment was because of her outfit. Granted Julia always walks a little hunched over, I think the main reason was that she didn't want to expose her breasts from the corset. She was probably thinking if she leaned back those puppies would burst free. :shifty:
^ she actually did have a nip slip, if you look at the gallery on vsholic. I can't manage to get the damn thing to appear here.

I thought Heloise fit the show perfectly, she had the bubbly attitude for the high-energy segment that is Pink.

Fabiana was the one who did nothing for me.
Fabiana IMO would have been better off in a segment like heavenly bodies. She has an AMAZING body, and unfortunately the PINK outfit didn't show it much. I would have switched her and Marta. Marta is more PINK than Fabiana.

I never want Maryna to do PINK again, it's so not her! Maryna should have been in Heavnely Bodies, opening it with those big white wings. Liu Wen should have been in PINK, not Wild Things.

itsmechaneliman should have nothing to do with the show, as well as Erin and Lily A. Drop those 3, get Cintia Dicker, Caroline T, and Natasha Poly. Cintia should be in PINK and Heavenly Bodies (the red hair and white crystal outfits would have been a dream!), Carol T in heavenly bodies (that sexy strut of hers), and Poly in Wild Things (fierce poses).
^I think Lily A is there because shes the fresh girl next door ! Erin is the "all american' and chanel iman sigh.. ethnic .. :/
@Zann: I keep replaying the Game On Segment as well!! I loved Isabeli's closing.. Lol

And I absolutely agree 200000% with Gabriel29.

I meant that Heloise looked out of place during the group shots.. I recall somebody saying, "Girl must have a real good agent..". Lmao!!
if VS has a show next year, and if Miranda and Doutzen come back, and if no one else gets pregnant, I think VS will showcase LESS of Lily A, Erin, and Chanel. It makes sense to do give them the spotlight this year since two of it's main Angels were out.

This is all speculation of course, but since next year Rosie will probably be highlighted more since Transformers will be coming out. As much as it pains me to say this, either Rosie or Candice would be likely candidates of the fantasy bra. My theory being how much press Rosie will get from Transformers and how much they promoted Candice within the show this year. (remember the 10 minute long monologue segue into Country Girls lol?)

idk, it may be a bit early to speculate and gossip about this, but i felt the need to throw it out there hahaha
i'm just looking forward to next yr overall simply because i think this yr is such a huge improvement over the past 2 shows. I really like the large number of wings and hope it stays this way forever.

what i'd like to see fixed:

-more remixes, this yr is better than last yr, at least we got a good remix (game on) with a bunch of songs.

-give Isabeli some wings, I'm seriously considering writing a letter. She's earned her spot on the show especially her amazing performance in the Game On segment, and she's been with the show for yrs and never got a pair. Chanel should not have been giving 2 pairs, someone else could've had one.

-a better stage presence - i'm not feeling that banner that ran across the top with the star in the middle. seems very pageantry. but do keep the straight runway.

-no more balloons, I think it was a good idea until the time came to implement it. it was distracting.
I hope to god Ale gets the fantasy bra next year. Really, 2009 should have been her year to get it, she opened the show, it was her 10 year anniversary; VS missed that opportunity by giving it to Marisa.

I also hope nobody gets pregnant next year! I wanna see the full angel line up again! Jesus, the last time it was 2008 when all the angels were present!

As for the Isabeli wings situation, I think it's been speculated that she herself just doesn't want wings. I'm sure Isabeli would have asked for them if she wanted them. It's been 6 years!
VS 2010 Footage

Merry Christmas, Goobers!;)

I have a little present for you lot.

It's an unedited version of VSFS 2010 from a couple of hand-cams (I'm assuming; it's not my footage). :blush:

FYI, this is the entire show. Performances, runway, everything. It's over 30 minutes. B)

The quality is not the best, even at 349MB, but this should provide some very delicious entertainment for you VS fans.


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^thank youuuuu

adriana had an amazing walk opening the show. her best ever. and did anyone else see Maryna punch Magdalena's wings out of the way!? WERQ

oh my god. Isabeli's game on closing. perfection
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Thank you so much for the video.
Anja tripped a little in Tough Love and so did Lily A. in PINK
Thanks so much!!!

Couple comments:
Adriana had the fiercest opening EVER
Anja had trouble with the kimono, and tripped a bit
Maryna punched Magda's wings, lol what is with her this year? She's hitting everything!

Game on was pretty identical to what we saw on TV, but Adriana had a hell of a great walk there too

Edita got lost during Country Girls! She didn't go through the 'door' and tried to go to the side, but it was obviously fenced. I think Rosie probably prompted her where to go after they almost collided lol.

Heavenly Bodies had the most surprises.
First off, Akon was chaotic on the runway. You could tell the models had a hard time cuz he was skipping all over the runway and in everybody's way. Plus, not smart, VS people, to have 2 big wings come out consecutively! Lily, Anja, and Izabel all looked so confused!
I liked Chanel's opening a little more after seeing the whole thing, but it was still bad lol
The mystery about Akon tripping has been solved. What actually happened was that he ducked under Lily D's (who look flawless here!) wings as a sort of dance move.
Anja's embarrassing skip was actually an attempt to dance along, and her wings almost got caught on the edge of the runway.
Izabel was cute holding Akon's hand on the runway, but I'm glad they aired the other pose instead. They should have shown more of her walk, cuz it was amazing!
Marta and Kasia both looked really good here, and I liked Marta's interaction with Akon.
I love how Akon is lovin him some Adriana and totally ignores Candice! lol
Julia's closing was actually better here than on TV.

Not much surprises from Wild Things. What I saw was pretty much what we got on TV.
KK had an awkward pause at the very end of her walk though, seemed like she didn't know where to go.

For PINK, I'm really really glad they aired Behati's other walk. The peace sign she gave here was really cheesy and 10 year old.
Also glad they aired the other walk for Stam, cuz this one was horrible, she looked confused.
All the other girls rocked it, except for Lily A. She tripped during her walk, and overall she is so BLAND on the runway, also for Country Girls. She doesn't have any good facial expressions and she kinda seems out of it? Idk, but she's horrible on the runway. Glad she didn't get 3 looks.
Chanel decided to wait for Katy in this version at the end, and she walked away with her. I bet the producers told her not to do that for the next taping, cuz it kinda was awkward.

Finale was same as on TV really. I love how some models danced an held hands together, that was really cute. Adriana was truly a stand out during the finale though, I couldn't take my eyes off of her!
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Sorry for double post, but just wanted to add,

Did anyone see Maryna's big wave out to the crowd at the end of her Country Girls walk? Maybe Sal was in the audience!

Haha and Edita definitely has direction issues! Last year she almost went the wrong was too. No wonder she's hasn't walked Prada yet.

Gracie was absolutely adorable.

Also, I was a bit shocked by how messy the set changes are.
Yeah, I thought they always pulled the curtain down to change the sets. In the unedited version of the 2006 show, it was way better, but there weren't any things in the floor.
Once Magda's booty left the stage, Heavenly Bodies was a HAM. I thought that there were several editing missteps this year, but the editors are to be highly commended for their work on the Heavenly Bodies segment because what we saw on TV was quite good and much better than what really happened.
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for those of you (like me) who are too lazy to download the file, someone was nice enough to also post them on youtube.

here's segment 1, you can follow the rest by the recommendations.


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