I Love Blind Items ! #2

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Kanye is a good guess as well. I vaguely thought of P.Diddy but I don't think she'd do a BI on him.
^ I hope it is Kanye, and I hope there is technicolor video and nine witnesses- REALLY end his career!! :angry: :evil:
Today's Blind Items - Short & Sweet Breakups

#1 & 2 - This foreign born much more famous in the rest of the world than in the US world class athlete and his American born C list singer/reality star broke up because she said she wanted to really focus on her singing craft. Her boyfriend then laughed so hard he cried. She didn't find it funny and they are no more.

#3 & 4 - From the I don't even know why they bother column. This C list actor who has way more name recognition than he probably should has a movie to promote. So, before he heads off to film his new movie with his boyfriend he wants to spend two weeks with his "girlfriend." She is a C list actress who doesn't do anything but is tired of pretending. However, she does want to star in a future movie that our actor just signed on for. It makes sense for her to be in it, but he wants his two weeks of publicity before he will agree. Honestly, I have to say that if I hear one more of these types of stories from this couple I am just going on a full blown, non- blind rant because they are not even good at pretending and I'm tired of it and them.

^ Totally! Good work! ;) Now the other one..I haven't a clue... :unsure:
hey, some posters in susan sarandon and tim robbins thread are mentioning how there were BI's regarding them, anyone knows which ones?
We're not sure why everyone cares so much about this whole Tiger Woods thing. Sure, it's despicable, but it's not like it's unique. What would really shake things up is if the mistresses started coming out for this married female A list singer. Not Christina Aguilera.
- Buzzfoto

This singer has been losing weight for an important TV role but she’s doing it the dangerous way- with ******* – and now she’s addicted. Friends can’t help but notice. During a two hour dinner at La Loggia in Studio City, she went to the bathroom nine times and barely ate a thing. A few weeks later she and her husband ate at Nobu, but she barely touched her food and drank instead. After six trips to the bathroom she practically had to be carried out the door by her husband. She’s convinced she’ll gain weight if she stops using, and her family is frantic.

So this female Real reality star was out shopping on Sunday and standing in line with what my source said was an incredibly hot guy. Anyway, who she was with is not really the point of this, but just an added bonus. Anyway, the point is our reality starwho has even had her own show was talking on her cell phone in a very, very loud voice. This was annoying to the other 20 people in line , but not as annoying as the way she was talking on the phone. It was described as the most superficial, high pitched squeaky phone call of all time and everyonein line was cringing. The guy with her was apparently used to it and his main job appeared to be carrying things for the reality star. Well, as the line progresses she is so absorbed in her own world and her own call that she fails to see an elderly man in front of herwho has bent over to retrieve something. Not seeing anyone in front of her, our reality star pushes by the guy, knocking him to the floor and walks up to the register. Meanwhile the people behind her help the man back to his feet. Our reality star continued to chat very very loudly the entire time at the register and as she walked out the door.

So, this A list singer who is married to an A list movie actress was in a music store over the weekend and was looking at guitars and trying some of them out. Also in the store at the same time was a teenager who was looking at effects pedals. The specific one the kid was looking at cost about $500 which is pretty pricey for a pedal.

Anyway our singer and the teen talked for awhile and then the singer ended up buying a guitar for himself. While he was at the counter paying he told the cashier to also charge the effects pedal to his credit card and to tell the teen Merry Christmas.

#1 - A list singer
#2 - A list actress

This might just be a first. This C list movie actress who has fallen from grace was seeing a guy on and off about six months ago. He wasn't the only person she was dating but he is for sure the one who got her pregnant. Not for the first time ouractress had a procedure and she was no longer pregnant. Fast forward to three weeks ago when a sister of our actress had the same procedure and it was the result of her being with the same guy who had impregnated our actress.

This B- list actress from a show that was recently dropped is engaged. The thing is though no paps or tabloids care enough to actually ask her anything about it. This is just not acceptable to her so she has personally started telling every pap she runs into about her engagement but they still don't care to write about it or mention it. This is a direct result of her always being difficult to them in the past so they don't feel like doing her any favors.

I always knew this B list Golden Globe nominee/winner television actor was self conscious about his hair. But, what I didn't know is that although he has a few plugs, he covers 95% of his extremely bald head with four different very expensive toupees. He tells his many one night stands not to touch his head and he has four models in his bedroom where he keeps them when not wearing them.

If you were at The Mall Of America this weekend in Minneapolis you might have seen this very good looking B- list actor from one of those network initial shows. He was walking through the mall when a woman stopped him and asked our actor for his autograph. No problem. The actor obliged and even took a photo. So, where is the Jackass behavior? Well, the actor asked the woman what she was doing in the mall. What, is this like pick up time? Anyway, she pointed down to her 4 year old twins and said they were about to getin line to see Santa. The actor then bent down to the kids and said, "You should know by now there is no Santa." He then walked away.

#1 & #2 - This one was a bit of a shocker to hear, but hey, it's Hollywood so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. This C list movie actress got her big break recently and on the set of her big break got involved with her married A list movie actor co-star. They have continued to see each other since shooting wrapped.

#3 - Kindness - This gorgeous B- list movie and television actress with a string of hit television shows and movies as co-star but not the best luck as star doesn't always get the biggest paycheck but she is really good in donating it. In her last two projects she has donated her entire paycheck to a shelter that houses homeless women that have been the victims of domestic violence. She also volunteers her time at the shelter and tries to get as many of them jobs as possible on her productions.

#4 - Kindness - This C list comic actor who used to be A list and on what seemed like every show on a network for awhile was at an event for one of his children. The event was to raise money for music programs. The school was just trying to raise enough money for one year for one class. Our actor wrote a check that will allow the program to hire two teachers and fund their salaries for the next five years

This D list funny guy/B list television actor got his first Botox recently. It was at the insistence of his A list television actress girlfriend who said she was tired of going out with a guy who looks 100. The funnyman went reluctantly but since the first didn't need any prompting to return for his second. It doesn't really matter anyway though since the relationship is going to be toast about a week after Christmas presents are pretended to be exchanged.
This very attractive and popular female model and sometime reality star thought she had the funniest joke the other night. While at a Christmas event/party she kept saying, "Oh it will be a White Christmas." She then would do a bump of **** off her hand. All night she followed the same pattern until finally at one point the whole table she was at said it before she could. She then laughed and did another line.

Which up and coming Twilight actress lied about her background and said she lost her birth certificate so she would qualify for her part? She has told everyone she is adopted and Native/First Nations, but in reality has biological parents who raised her and is most definitely not Native/First Nations.
didn't know it's a known fact that tinsel corey is in fact indian.
At a recent movie premiere this married foreign born B-/C+ list movie actor appeared to out this former A list tweener and now B list movie actor. At the premiere our foreign born actor said to a group of people standing next with him, "well you know ______ is gay." He said it very loudly and in the same room as the former tweener, although he wasn't overgeard by the former tweener. The former tweener's C list actress girlfriend was not in attendance but our foreign born B- list movie actress wife was.

#1 - foreign born actor
#2 - former tweener
#3 - former tweener's girlfriend
This A list tweener has a problem. Well more than one problem but there are some things that can never be taught. Anyway, she had a boyfriend. Not exactly being a role model she got his name tattooed on her body in a place most people won't see for a few more months. Now though, she has a bigger problem than what people say about her tattoo and its location. She has a different boyfriend and he doesn't like opening the presents so to speak and seeing another name so our tweener is going to change it but can't decide if it should be the new boyfriend's name or something generic like don't chew gum with your mouth open.
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^ These are ridiculous!! You'd have to spend the next three years trying to decipher them all! God- A List ex-TV star who dated a C List singer who was a Gemini and lived outside of a major city (not LA) and was blonde but is now seeing a guy who works at the Sunoco Station who knew someone who did lighting on a B List actors movie...You'd need the help of the FBI for some of these!! Give me a break!! :( :lol:
I wonder who is this that was posted by dajrekshn:
So, this A list singer who is married to an A list movie actress was in a music store over the weekend and was looking at guitars and trying some of them out. Also in the store at the same time was a teenager who was looking at effects pedals. The specific one the kid was looking at cost about $500 which is pretty pricey for a pedal.

Anyway our singer and the teen talked for awhile and then the singer ended up buying a guitar for himself. While he was at the counter paying he told the cashier to also charge the effects pedal to his credit card and to tell the teen Merry Christmas.

#1 - A list singer
#2 - A list actress
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maybe keith urban and nicole kidman? although i wouldn't call either of them still/ever-been a-list, maybe nicole has still a-list name recognition but keith urban isn't too popular. or at least not over here, i have no idea how famous he is anywhere else

which other actresses are married to musicians?!
^To me it's either Keith Urban or that guy from Coldplay (even though that would be a little of a stretch - they would have called him "rock star" or "lead singer in a rock band" instead).
maybe keith urban and nicole kidman? although i wouldn't call either of them still/ever-been a-list, maybe nicole has still a-list name recognition but keith urban isn't too popular. or at least not over here, i have no idea how famous he is anywhere else

which other actresses are married to musicians?!

I thought this was Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman too. I think Keith Urban is pretty much considered A list in the country music world?

I always knew this B list Golden Globe nominee/winner television actor was self conscious about his hair. But, what I didn't know is that although he has a few plugs, he covers 95% of his extremely bald head with four different very expensive toupees. He tells his many one night stands not to touch his head and he has four models in his bedroom where he keeps them when not wearing them.

I think this one is Jeremy Piven? From Entourage? Did anyone ever see him when he was on a Seinfeld episode years ago? He was nearly completely bald....:ninja:
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