Predict's Top Ten New Faces for S/S 08

The strange thing is that the two most hyped girls, Meghan Collison and Siri Tollerød, have only walked a few shows. Siri has 5 and Meghan has only 2 so far.

But a guess it's too early to conclude.
^ I know...I'm in shock esp over Meghan. Perhaps she'll be at the highhigh profile shows, like Marc, Oscar, Michael, Zac etc...although she should have been at Proenza Schouler.

I'm seeing Masha Novoselova though...Oxana Pautova, Elianne Smit, Sabina Karlsson (sp?) Flo Genarro (love her on the runway :shock: ) Anabela Belikova and perhaps some more....
Oh and Viviane Orth is all over the place...YESSS :heart:
^Serafima has been everywhere as well...though no one from the new class has really yet to top the unstoppable force of Oxana Pautova!

Also, where is Arielle Pytka?! There had better be an exclusive for this girl, because she's too perfect not to be booking anything...
Erin Heatherton? Unfortunately
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The strange thing is that the two most hyped girls, Meghan Collison and Siri Tollerød, have only walked a few shows. Siri has 5 and Meghan has only 2 so far.

But a guess it's too early to conclude.

Hmm, yeah. I'm pretty surprised I haven't seen more of Meghan.

What other show was she in other than Generra? Could she be on a Russell Marsh exclusive (like Oxana Pautova was last season)?
Ok guys here is my list of this seasons "newcommers" in no particular order:
1. OXANA PAUTOVA - she got the look very unforgettable :woot:
2. VIVIANE ORTH - i just adore her :heart: and she walked miles just in NYC. Cant wait to see her in Eroupe
3. MASHA NOVOSELOVA and MASHA TYELNA :shock: - there must be something about this name :D
4. The new DNA girls ZUZANA STRASKA - cant believe she didnt get CK show - she got the look!! TARYN DAVIDSON - she got Calvin and i am sure we will see much more of her
5. DENISA DVORAKOVA - not really a newface but her 1st nyc season was very impressive
6. SIRI TOLLEROD and ELLIANE SMITH - someone like it blonde:D
7. SERAFIMA VAKULENKO - what a name. Not my favorite but she has been doing pretty good so far lets what Milan and Paris have for her
i am sure there will be more girls to watch in Europe with maybe not so impressive start in NYC like this MEGHAN COLLISON
How could i only forgot about amazing MIRKA MICHLIKOVA - she seems like she doesnt care at all and i somehow like that attitude :D. It wont hepl much in Milan and Paris but it seems to be working in NYC
I thought I'd post some V magazine 'quick picks'/features onnew girls now that NY is done.... I don't think they're an official list or anything yet, but it's always good to keep track of who they and are picking as standouts

Straight from Hamburg and causing a fashion week stir

Alright listen up ladies, gents, and fashion whores around the globe! Hear me now and believe me later, you're looking at the next big thing. Francisco found her and immediately took out a year exclusive on her for Calvin. She's all anyone could talk about backstage. Her name is Toni, she's from Hamburg, and she's going to be a huge star!

Toni Garrn (Women) backstage at Calvin Klein Spring/Summer 2008
Photography JD Ferguson
Well NYC is done, so I guess I'll follow suit and post the ten girls that I'm really looking at right this moment for having really performed the best. Obviously this is in no particular order, and is only based on pre-season hype and NYC performance. Guess, I'll just use my usual pattern for diagnosis:

The Hot List :woot::

Oxana Pautova: After being swallowed in the underbelly of Kulikova and Anabela exclusives, she's certainly grown into her own dominant force. There is no denying that Oxana was everywhere over the last few weeks. Hopefully she stands a great shot, unless decides to negate her eligability as they've done in the past with 'second season after exclusives' in the past (sans Alyona last season, so it could happen).

Masha Tyelna: I worry about Masha's actual odds for making the list, for the same reasons I do Oxana. In that, will actually consider her new, despite her presence in Paris last season? I hope so, because she certainly made a killing in NYC.

Heidi Whitworth: I still don't know if I should call her Mount or Whitworth, but alas, for a newcomer, Heidi was booking shows like an uber-selective pro. She stood out for me as one of the only new girls at Proenza Schouler, and again at Marc Jacobs. Heidi certainly appears to be IMG's strongest new face at the moment (but that can all change come Europe).

Toni Garrn: I get it, she's really cute. Personally, I never saw an editorial quality to her, that is until she got on the Calvin Klein runway. Opening and closing that show on a exclusive is certainly a promising start. Though while she seems to be generating a huge amount of buzz, the year long CK exclusive may not garner her enough exposure internationally.

Mirka Michlikova: Another blonde? I love Mirka's face oh so very much, and her body is looking insane on the runways. She walked a slew of decent shows, but the icing on this cake would be her approval from Marc Jacobs, which should put her in good standing elsewhere.

Taryn Davidson: I have a feeling that Taryn stood out, despite Calvin Klein turning into the Toni Garrn show. There's no denying just how statuesque she is on the runways. Plus Taryn has the added benefit of being able to do European shows, and a rumored Milan exclusive (which I still say is Jil Sander, not Prada) could be putting her in even better position sooner.

Siri Tollerod: Is she still really a given at this point? She did not perform quite as well as I would have liked to have seen, but I'm feeling like that was more of a management decision to not over-expose her before Europe. Still, you cannot deny the amount of buzz around her going into this season.

Meghan Collison: Much like Siri, I was disappointed to see how rare her appearences were in NYC, but I'm really trying to remain positive and chalk it up to a management choice to under-expose domestically. Again, the pre-season buzz was huge, but I feel as if she'll do far better in Europe.

Lera Sheremeta: I really did not think I would have to be throwing around Lera's name in a thread like this until next season at the very earliest. Still, she's Marc certified now, and just look at what that did for Olga Sherer last season. Given that she's now with Women Milan, she should continue these big, rare appearences.

Karlie Kloss: The Calvin Klein exclusive really just seems more valuable this season after Kulikova's turn on it last season. I love Karlie's look, and I am certainly hoping that she'll transition this success at CK into the European runways.

The Watch List B):
Zuzanna Straska, Serafima Vakulenko, Cristina Jurach, Agnete Hegelund, Masha Novoselova, Flo Genarro, Marina Panova, Nika Lauritis, Uliana Tikhova, Arielle Pytka, Megan McNierney, Margaryta Senchylo, Cicely Telman

The Dark Horse List :ninja::
Marina Panova, Sabina Karlsson, Elyse Saunders, Pilar Solchaga, Tara Gill, Coryse Smet, Adriana Cernanova, Nasya Piankouskaya
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^Great list.

However, I don't think Heidi Whitworth/Mount would really qualify for the list.

She's been around for over 2 years and did shows like Chanel way back, so I don't think she should really qualify. Who knows though, maybe will oversee that.
Here are my thoughts on New York as blogged about here
I only do 5 girls after New York, because usually it turns out that half of the NY girl get nowhere in Europe,

New York fashion week is over again already and, well it was more boring than ever if you ask me. There was not one show to get excited about. Even though the Marc Jacobs show was overhyped as always, I didn't have any feelings for that collection this season whatsoever. But, luckily, there is always a small crop of interesting new girls to hit the New York runways. Some predicted stars didn't prove their warnings right (read: Siri, Meghan, Cicely), so there was enough space for some other girls to take over. As usual, I will give you my five favourites without explanation and when Paris is over, you'll have my list of 10 definite girls with explanation. Oh, and don't expect any Marc Jacobs exclusives on this list...they were ugly anyway. The exlusive-eyes were all on Calvin Klein this time.

And the list: Toni Garn, Oxana Pautova, Masha Novoselova, Flo Gennaro, Erin Heatherton (I know, but she totally boomed! I'd say she pulled a Sherer)
^Great list.

However, I don't think Heidi Whitworth/Mount would really qualify for the list.

She's been around for over 2 years and did shows like Chanel way back, so I don't think she should really qualify. Who knows though, maybe will oversee that.

I had a feeling that she'd be around the block before...but I had no idea it was like that :shock:. I thought she had just done a few minor shows here and there. Hmmm...if that's the case they may just mention her in passing as a new star much like they did to Olga Sherer last season. Thanks for the info, it certainly changes her standing in my books. :lol:
Siri Tollerod: Is she still really a given at this point? She did not perform quite as well as I would have liked to have seen, but I'm feeling like that was more of a management decision to not over-expose her before Europe. Still, you cannot deny the amount of buzz around her going into this season.
I definitely think it was a conscious choice. She did the shows that really matter (Russell's shows, Marc Jacobs, Calvin Klein...). So I think Siri's a lock, unless something dramatic happens in Europe. Also looking very strong are Oxana, Masha (but will they count as new?), Taryn (two exclusives will get the buzz through the roof!) and of course Toni. And Meghan too, I guess, the hype and love from major players will carry her through this season, even though I think she's hopeless on the runway. :ninja:

So I'm basically in agreement with yaars's list. I don't think Mirka or Heidi will be in the mix, though, and I think Nelly Cat said earlier that Karlie wasn't going to Europe. But maybe that has changed now... she needs to seize the moment!

ETA: I completely forgot about Anabela. But she already had her major break, even if she only did a select few shows last season, so I think she'll be overlooked.
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I definitely think it was a conscious choice. She did the shows that really matter (Russell's shows, Marc Jacobs, Calvin Klein...). So I think Siri's a lock, unless something dramatic happens in Europe.

So I'm basically in agreement with yaars's list. I don't think Mirka or Heidi will be in the mix, though, and I think Nelly Cat said earlier that Karlie wasn't going to Europe. But maybe that has changed now... she needs to seize the moment!

Glad that someone else is feeling that way about Siri's show bookings. There's definitely a feeling of intent to keep her fresh and exciting as she gets into Europe.

I didn't hear about Karlie not being in Europe though, if that's the case than her likelihood certainly drops drastically. I agree though, about her needing to seize the moment. While I don't doubt her success in the long run, if she really wants to make an impression she needs to do it now before she's over shadowed by Taryn and Toni.
I figured I'd post this, since Bianca posted the one about Toni from VMag...

The girl from Curitiba goes walking on some of the most coveted catwalks. Angus Munro finds out more


"Cristina arrived in New York from Brazil to sign with editorial starmakers Supreme. The dream start to her career includes stories in both of the U.K.'s top magazines, Pop and Dazed & Confused. This is sure to set the 19-year-old from Curitiba on the right track at the shows. Sure enough, opening and closing Richard Chai's show and starring in Marc Jacobs's extravaganza on Monday night bears testament to her potential."
Photography Angus Munro Casting

I think Toni is a lock but other than that i think it will be determined in Europe. Erin definately was a breakout this season but she also dominated at the couture shows and has been around a while. They may not consider her new enough for the list. Masha N. and Masha T. are both strong contenders.

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