Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2014 *Please see first post before posting*

The show was alright but their obsession with Taylor Swift needs to end. Behati is just so boring, I don't get her at all and Stella Maxwell seriously? :lol: She was the most misplaced girl on the show :rofl:

Cindy Bruna nailed it again as well as Maria, Sui, Jourdan & surprisingly, Martha & Devon :ninja: For the newcomers, my faves were Kate, Romee & Blanca :wub:
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i just can't get over all of the kissing and waving... Its so cheesy, and the girls used to not have to do this for attention. With the exception of a few they had their walks and subtle interaction with the audience.

Has anyone noticed that Adriana always does the beat on her chest and points to the audience or is it just me? :lol:
Jasmine and Lais are fantastic additions. When they credited Stella in the beggining I cringed. I meam come on.... no one barely knows this girl. Do they really wanna repeat the same mistake they did with Marissa Miller who couldn't walk to save her life?
Honestly I think they should make Jourdan an angel. Since Joan is with Estee Lauder, why not take the other legit black top model. She has the fan base and the personality. She even has a kid, like most of them!!!!

In the case of Martha, I'd rather they take Lily Donaldson instead. They're both blonde but I think Lily has more presence. At least I can remember her face.
It was a CUTE show. Nothing else. Behati opening was boring. Nothing memorable about the show. 95 % of the girl blowing kisses at the end of the runway. Ehhhh

I did like joan and doutzen dancing backstage :lol:
I also like the adriana/Alessandra video.

the music just make everything slow and cute.
Taylor Swift was so annoying.
karlie a ballet dancer? This made me cringe so much...the walk with Taylor.
Victoria's Next Best Friend show?
Lily said she get so nervous it feels like she's walking with shows girl. I like her, but girl cannot walk.

behati's opening...already forgot about it.

Doutzen, Candice should have been the focus more.

I thought the music was not up to par this year.
Doutzen did a late night Dutch show snd she said she is done with VS. She had a option to renew, but she and her agency decided not to.

Lindsay and Doutzen out. Adriana is definitely not going anywhere for awhile. :ninja:
Doutzen was on Dutch TV, she probably quits VS and chose another lingerie brand
She was obviously very vague about everything

I wanted to see Doutzen in the fantasy bra :(
Thats sad to hear, i love Doutzen! But va never have her the treatment she deserved.

I enjoyed the video of ale and adriana, ot was cool to see their beginnings.

Doutzen and Candice were great. I hope Jasmine and Lais get more attention since they were in the opening credits. I have np idea who the other new girls were..
I'm surprised how little tv time Barbara F. got. She was everywhere last year and then this year I was like "Oh, there she is!"
I kinda like the first remix.
Behati's opening it was so boring!!
Romee took my breath away what a beautiful and sexy woman, Sigrid surprised me, she did it ok, Kasia even tho I don't think she has the body for VS she's sexy. And that Stella girl needs to go home, she's trying to hard and just looks awkward.

Pink was a total mess, the clothes looked like they took them from Alexander Wang and Versace for HM.

Angel Ball was amazing, I love all the models stand it up and waiting for their turn. It was a nice show, probably my favorite since 2006.
The show was good. The set, performances and outfits were much better than the last couple of years. I wasn't a fan of the full cast on paper but they all looked great.

"Angel Ball" was probably my favorite segment in YEARS (corny Karlie video intro aside). It felt so vintage VS, all the girls looked extra fierce and the outfit were stunning. Loved Kate and Maria there, they were the best new girls this year.

BTW, what the hell was Stella Maxwell doing in the opening credits? Does she even have a contract? It was so random :lol:
I just noticed that Queen Magdalena completely ignored Taylor during Dream Girls; Taylor touchers her shoulder but Queen Magda was too busy blowing kisses at the audience.
When I saw all of the looks for this years show, I thought this was going to be the best one in years. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. Everything about the show was so generic & boring. Maybe that had to do with the editing, but I could barely get through it. Stella Maxwell in the opening credits put a sour taste in my mouth from the very beginning though, so that added to my disappointment. I don't understand why her, Martha, Jasmine or Lais were in the opening credits if they aren't angels. The show would be much more enjoyable if they had a stronger group of girls on their main roster. I agree with the majority of people who thought the music was terrible this year, especially Guilded Angels. The outfits were so strong in that segment, but the music was the exact opposite of what those outfits needed. Overall this was a terrible show & I'm not even sure if I want to watch next year's show. Clearly a lot of us aren't a part of their target audience anymore as demonstrated by the past 5 or 6 shows & I'm finally starting to accept that. The VSFS is not what it used to be. :(
The music and the performers were such disasters this year. Taylor Swift was just intolerable.
The editing was as bad as it could get. Every model had like 0.5 second of appearance, nothing more.

Sigrid was the only saving grace imo. Those that used to be excellent, such as Magda, Isabeli, Doutzen, were disappointing as well.

A terrible year in general, I thought last year was as bad as it could get, but well, I guess they truly out-sucked themselves.
finally watched the show... really did not like it.
Angel Ball is the only segment that interested me, rest was meh
Girls from previous year should watch a video of themselves so they don't do the exact same pose as the year before: Iza, Sui he, Adri, Doutzen.. and more...
I also cringed when I saw Stella in the intro, what are they thinking?
Poor Iza, all those antics and work out and they did not even have one shot of her butt. God knows she tried...
Could not care for most of the girls, I actually liked Sigrid, she's mysterious hehe
and to Tailor Swift: MOVE!!!!!
Ugh so Taylor performed twice since Lily wanted to walk with her in the segment she opened as well as Karlies and that caused the segments to change last minute? Ugh. I would have liked Ed Sheeran in "Dreamgirls", his song has a nice throwback feel, a mix for "Exotic Traveler" and make Alessandra and Adriana's entrance more dynamic, Taylor could have been in "Fairy Tale", Ariana was fine in "Pink" and Hozier in "Angel Ball". They had better music in the specials before and after the segments.

The editing was pretty fast, you would think with that amazing stage you wouldn't have to do so many cuts, just zoom in and out in a single take as the girls come closer to the end. Behati's entrance was ok, I liked that they opened with wings and it almost gave the illusion that she fell from above, if they made the stage brighter they might have pulled it off, I would have preferred Candice with those amazing wings to open. Lindsay did great at the end of the segment.

Is it me or did Karlie look pretty rough/washed out throughout the show, they could have done different make up to make her look softer and ran a comb through her hair. I don't know why Karlie had a video for ballet.

The Adriana/Alessandra video was nice though the music did not fit and apart from the FBs the outfits sucked. Dreamgirls was ok though Taylor ruined it, why does she get in the way so much. Fairy Tale was amazing, loved most of the outfits and it would have been nice to see Alessandra/Adriana in there with a 3rd outfit, I loved Hozier though he would have fit Angel's Ball much better.

Pink was decently enjoyable, some of the girls delivered great walks (they had the music to really strut) and I loved how the stage changed with every song, Bregje nailed her part and the stage switched lights right at the perfect time, right before she posed. I was expecting to see more wide shots like these with that LED stage, you get the feeling the girls are really in this other world.


Angel's Ball would have had such an amazing opening, have Hozier on the side, have the segment with him singing the first slow verse as the girls get in position, keep the lights dim and actually set up the stage as a chess board, have each stand on a white square
anticipate the walks with some lighting, get a wide shot of ALL the girls in position, when he sings "Amen" change the lighting, then
BAMN, right as he belts out the chorus and on that "Take Me To Church" put a spot light on Karlie and have her do her thing like she did many times on the Dior shows and just keep on putting the spotlight on girls as they walk, he might have to repeat the chorus at the end a couple of times but that's ok.

Anyways, enough bickering. They did some decent changes this year and some bad ones, keep the stage and graphics, less wings but bigger ones would be appreciated, less performers and less girls.

The Holiday commercial was nice, but same old same old, give us something new. I liked the throwback with the music. It felt a bit weird when they cut back to Carol of The Bells after the "I Like The Way You Move" and the remix of the Cygnets' Dance, Doutzen would fit the Heavenly fragrance better as opposed to Karlie, too many random beauty shots that were all the same.
I loved it.
Beautiful, fun.
Every year I watch and love. :)
The show was okay.

The bad :

* the editing so choppy
* too much Taylor+Karlie+Lily
* too slow music, even models were overwhelmed with energy but couldnt really rock that runway and walk faster then the music was. :(
* make up and hair

The good :

* most outfits are really nice

Guess Im the only one who liked Stella ? :lol::lol: Not every model should be all hyper fun happy a la Adriana or Karlie really, no need to point at Stella for being so calm and "not smiley-kissy". Sexy doesnt mean having a broad smile all the time. She did well. ^_^

Elsa, on the other hand, seems to be so overrated, wasnt impressed with her Fairy Tale walk, too heavy/hunched, the Pink walk was nice, liked it.

Magdalena, Joan, Behati and some others were really great. Joan has a great VS Angel material :heart:

Usually Karlie has a great walk but I didnt see much of it this time, pity.

Wish they made two shows, one for tv and general public and one for us, models fans :D
Finally got around to watching the show. As usual Candice was my favourite, but that’s just me being very bias.:D:P

The runway looked great this year and I have to say some of the segments were actually really enjoyable, the only one I didn’t really care for was exotic traveller. I’m probably alone in saying this but Pink may have been my favourite this year, for the first time since 2010 I actually watched the whole segment without skipping straight past it, and say what you want about Ariana Grande I thought she did a great job.

A model who I was really impressed with this year was Sara Sampaio, She’s always flown under my radar but my god is she stunning! Her smile is just gorgeous and I loved her Pink outfit, that’s the way Pink should be styled; sexy and sleek without being tacky.

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