I Love Blind Items ! #2

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Its not so surprising now why Courtney is so upset about losing custody, the fact is that her daughter probably still has a decent chunk of change from her father...Courtney, on the other hand, has probably blown through much of her own cash. The only reason she's been able to live well is probably through her connection to Frances.
that is seriously f*cked up. i feel so terrible for frances bean, whether or not this BI is true her life is seriously messed up. poor girl.

Also, I think that BI is fake, but was meant to be about Brangelina. Brad is super image conscious, and clearly the author of the blind is not very knowledgable (or intelligent since it's quite obvious)
I think some celebrity parents seriously need to take parenting classes...if the lap band thing is true, that is messed up.
i am not doubting this, just wondering - is there a reason why everyone thinks frances bean has the money? generally speaking, when someone dies, the estate goes to their spouse.. the money only goes to the child if both parents die. it is possible that he specifically put aside money for fb in his will but do we think he had that foresight/clarity?
^I heard that Frances has a trust fund or something to that effect.
They put an adjustable band around the top portion of your stomach (right where the food enters) so you'll feel fuller quicker; reducing calorie intake.
OMG. :shock: that's some sick s*it.

thanks for the explanation. :flower:
i am not doubting this, just wondering - is there a reason why everyone thinks frances bean has the money? generally speaking, when someone dies, the estate goes to their spouse.. the money only goes to the child if both parents die. it is possible that he specifically put aside money for fb in his will but do we think he had that foresight/clarity?

I think someone as wealthy as Kurt was advised to make a will, even if he never expected to die soon. And most people would divide their assets between spouse and children.
Which colorful, London based (but not born) designer has failed to pay his PR for three seasons now? Good thing another designer’s rich boyfriend’s been feeling generous.

Adding to that Casting Couch Blind Item:

harvey weinstein's daily message to miramax execs.
(as told to Shelly Samuels, "moron / secretary")

Dear Idiots,

So here we go again. Another day for me in this miserable hospital room (say it with me everybody: "Bacterial Infection", good…) while you ******* are at Sundance ****ing my actresses and eating my food. Put down the lasagna, Schniderman. That's my ****ing lasagna. You're fired. Just kidding. Heh. Shut up, Shelly. Moron.


So. I see you ****ers missed out on that Latina boxer flick "Girlfight". Great. Fantastic job. I'm so proud. I know I told you guys it was a piece of ****, but Screen Gems just paid 2.5 for it. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: whatever those dicks are about to buy, offer double. I don't give a **** if the thing only ends up getting released in Guam and we lose our shirts: They Do Not Beat Us.

The other companies are creaming because I'm not there to "jack up the prices" this year, as they say. Well **** that. That is now your job. Your number one job. Not skiing with Parker Posey. Not getting handjobs from Gretchen Mol (well, just one… she's pretty good at it, huh?). Driving Up The Prices. Understand. Fine.

Hey, could someone bring a ham in here, please!

Quick, let's review again: "Harvey has an Ear Infection". - What? Oh right, "Bacterial Infection". Heh. Whatever.

So people. You thought I wasn't going to bring it up. The English pot movie went to… I can't say the name. F-f-f-f-f. F-f-f-f-. Fine Line. Arghhhh! Who was on that one? Jensen? Jensen, I think that was you. You're fired. I'm not kidding this time.

Oh, and Shelly, cancel Jensen's corporate card and return plane ticket pronto. Thanks, idiot.

Let's review what's left…

Love and Sex. Romance, art, laughter, fat guy from Swingers, blah blah blah. Is anyone else biting? Pay attention. Hodges, you tail the reps. Anyone comes and talks to 'em, shoot 'em. Just kidding. Try yelling a lot. Works for me. But seriously, if the Artisan ****heads get anyone near the reps, them you can shoot. Seriously. Artisan. ****ers stole Blair Witch from me. And the year before that, Pi.

Oooooooooooooh. Pie.

Hey nurse! Nurse. Can I get a goddamn ham in here, stat! And some pie. Any cream pie will do fine!

What else. Um…

Other Voices. A couple. Break-up. Traffic. Yada yada yada. Eh… Anyone see this one? It has that Mary McCormack in it. I like her t*ts. **** it, let's buy it.

Songcatcher. The Quinn guy. That limey with the ***, McTeer. Any good? Who cares. Buy it for 500 grand. If someone else is interested, offer 10 million.

Sidebar people: isn't it great- wait, hold on-


-As I was saying, isn't it great that Sundance is no longer scheduling those boring low-budget movies with no big stars? Such a hassle those things. It's much better this way. Yeah, these indie films with the name actors already in it do so much better-

What, Sally… what did you say about Happy, Texas?

Get the **** out right now!!! Ten Million looked like a good sale at the time!!! Godda-

Hey. Harvey hear. ****.

Saly had to leev so Im writing this myself. Wher the hell was I?

OK. I was talking abut the moovies left at Sond- Sundic - Sundanse. Rite. Miramax must continyoo to positshun itself as-

Ooh. My ham's hear. Gota go.

Buy moovies. OK?


-Harvey W.

http://www.plaintivewail.com/pw/jan00/1_27_00.html ..... I think it's a website about people airing out frustrations about work. It's from along time ago but still sad.
Honestly I've got no idea what he's saying there, it's like another language to me!
Can somebody literally spell it out to me, because I don't get what the point of that was and who is supposedly writing it....
A quickie.

Who makes sure that her husband has someone on staff specifically to hold her bag while she watches him at work? This is the employee’s only job responsibility. This person does nothing else but hold the bag. There’s no multitasking here. Because the bag can’t be put away in a room or on a table. It must be held. But not by her. Because she photographs much better when she has her hands free. This is Status. This is Respect. This from a woman who claims she’s down with down home living. Not high maintenance? Please.

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