I Love Blind Items ! #2

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so it's not jake and him and reese actually have a real relationship and she's not his beard?
well, the toothy tile BI claims he has a beard, so if it's really jake then reese really is a beard. i think ted outed jake by answering yes to a question: has toothy tile done movies with jen aniston? jake did good girl with jen.

the whole tt BI is kinda surreal IMO, i don't believe it too much.
I think toothy tile was jake gyllenhaal and everyone figured it out but then something must've happened with Ted (maybe a threat?) and he made it too outlandish to be true.

Than again, the Gyllenhaal family is said to have MANY issues....like they are into some f*cked up shizz.
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I think toothy tile was jake gyllenhaal and everyone figured it out but then something must've happened with Ted (maybe a threat?) and he made it too outlandish to be true.

Than again, the Gyllenhaal family is said to have MANY issues....like they are into some f*cked up shizz.
really? do tell, please....:flower:
so wait...Ramona is supposedly Jake's, and he used Maggie as surrogate?

I know that hollywood is pretty sordid, but I mean this is just a bit much. So Peter Sarsgaard is just along for the ride? Or is he supposedly a homosexual too?
And I know that beards aren't uncommon in hollywood, but why in hell would Reese Witherspoon want to be one? She's one of the top paid and powerful actresses now, she doesn't need the exposure of being in a relationship....

Do people think that Ted is legit? He seems pretty off his rocker to me...
Do people think that Ted is legit? He seems pretty off his rocker to me...

He doesn't make much sense to me...his writing style is so bizarre and I often wonder if he is just filling up the page with stuff that may not have any basis in reality... :(
Ramona is over a year old, so she's not a 'recent' baby. Why would Ted put that part of the BI in now? And I would also doubt that Maggie and Peter are swingers having affairs. Because if that's the kind of lifestyle they wanted, I have no doubt that they would not get married and instead continue on as they were. And as others have said, I really cannot imagine Reese as a beard. She is way too type A personality. She doesn't need to ride on Jake's coattails for attention and Lainey also suggests their relationship is legit, and I trust her on that.
i don't know when ted put the baby part in his BI,but it wasn't that recent that he did (i rememeber someone mentioning it on blinditemsexposed few months ago as a clue ted gave).i don't know, i don't follow the TT story (that carefully), i just said what i've read are theories that people who believe it's jake are putting out.
^ Yeah, I don't see Reese doing anything for anybody...:wink: She impresses me as a very tough little chick... B)
I never knew much about them except their dad wants to free Bernie Madoff and there is a "book" coming out about them:

Is it just me or do all of that writer's claims seem...less than salacious? I'd grab the only copy of my novel (irreplaceable) over a watch (replaceable) any day. :huh: She seems to think it's much more scandalous than it is.

Agreed about Reese - she doesn't need any help. Though I think Lainey has suggested that she and Jake use their relationship for publicity when they have movies coming out.
another from lainey

She trumps Life or Death

Classic story of celebrity entitlement. And she’s supposed to be so professional and sweet, not nearly as many diva stories about her than about her peers, though if you’re getting in the way of her meal, and her Maybach, you better move the f-ck out, even if you’re an old woman in an emergency situation.

It was two blocks from the Waverly very recently. An elderly woman – 84 years old – went into heart failure. The paramedic arrived immediately and tried to stabilise her before moving her to the hospital. It became a traffic clusterf-ck so the cops had to redirect vehicles over to the next block because the ambulance was waiting for the patient.

A black Maybach approaches, disregards the police instruction, and drives towards the ambulance. An officer stops the car and tells the driver to reroute:

Driver: We're going to the Waverly Inn.

Officer: We have an emergency situation and everyone has to re-route to the next block over - just go one block around.

(Moaning and groaning and whining was heard from the female passenger in the back seat).

Driver: Isn't there any way we could get through?

Offider: Sir, this is an emergency vehicle, we have an emergency situation - EVERYone must re-route. You'll have to go around the block.

And then an imperious (female) voice pipes up from the back of the Maybach..

"Well can't they just move the ambulance?"

The officer is incredulous. Then annoyed. And then he gives it to her, informing our star that "LIFE OR DEATH situations dictate traffic decisions - not anything or ANYONE else. You must re-route now."

She grudgingly told her driver to find another way, inconvenienced that a senior citizen had to choose her mealtime to have a heart attack. The nerve.
It's obviously a singer.

I say Beyonce. Doesn't Jay-Z own a Maybach?
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"Bro Massage" isn't Adam Sandler and Judd Apatow, dammit gotta do my research again. "She Trumps Life and Death", i think is about Kim Kardashian she owns a black maybach.
Yeah your right I guess it has to be along the lines of a singer like Ciara, etc.
Yeah it sounds more like a singer who lives in NY, less like an actress.

Some more from Gawker:
1) "Which hot young bachelor has (quite disappointingly) revealed himself to be a totally awful kisser?" [NYDN]
2) "You know the HIV scare that is going through the p*rn industry? Well, it turns out this married B+ television/rarely movies actor on a hit network comedy has a girlfriend who is one of the infected p*rnstars. And no, it isn't Charlie Sheen." [CDaN]
3) "Which superstar athlete is several months behind on the mortgage payments on his house? It isn't because he isn't making money or because he is forgetful. It's because he is scared. Every penny he scores right now is going toward paying off some outrageous gambling debts he racked up over the past couple of years. It seems that the consequence of someone hurting him or his family is more pressing than the thought of losing his house." [BlindGossip]

3) Charles Barkley, though he's retired but his gambling addiction is known.
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