I Love Blind Items ! #2

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^ dont be surprised about that though.

my uncle and aunt when they got married like 12 years ago were told they would never concieve and that they can keep trying, but its likely not going to happen.
my cousin is now almost 2.

That's really lovely. I love stories like that.
^yes that whole Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes situation is definitely creepy and weird. Something is definitely not right in that house. However, I do not think that they are the couple in the BI, since if it is true that she gave birth well before her due date then wouldn't it be quite obvious to Tom that the baby is not his (not to mention the fact that he is pretty obviously gay, and I doubt he and Katie have even slept together). The BI mentions that the husband/non-baby daddy has no idea, at least not yet.
^yes that whole Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes situation is definitely creepy and weird. Something is definitely not right in that house. However, I do not think that they are the couple in the BI, since if it is true that she gave birth well before her due date then wouldn't it be quite obvious to Tom that the baby is not his (not to mention the fact that he is pretty obviously gay, and I doubt he and Katie have even slept together). The BI mentions that the husband/non-baby daddy has no idea, at least not yet.
yep, this makes me think it's not them. all is known in the house of the cruises.
I agree with the person that said this is probably a false made up to be Tom and Katie. I think Suri looks a lot like Tom, but maybe that's just me? :unsure:
As for Tom's infertility, Nicole Kidman confirmed she miscarried twice during their marriage. Once was ectopic and the other was due to stress (it happened shortly before their divorce). Unless she cheated on him both times.
Which is exactly what is rumored to have happened, but it wasn't exactly cheating since theirs was a sham marriage.

It really boils down to what you choose to believe on the 'gossip buffet' as Lainey calls it.
Personally I believe Tom is gay and Kidman was a contracted beard (just like Katie is) and while I know gay men can and do have sex/children with women, he most likely wasn't having sex with Kidman when she fell pregnant (why would he be trying to impregnate her when he was already planning to divorce her before she was entitled to half his money?)
41. GOSSIP BOY 03/12...That's when out star gave into her managements bearding contract...she told him he was going to be a daddy...Being the gentleman that he is, he proposed...
I've never heard Tom Cruise considered a "gentleman", and I highly doubt he/his "group" are naive enough to not ask for or surreptitiously get a paternity test before signing the contract.

I wonder if "gentleman" is a clue, i.e. "Officer and a Gentleman" or something other???
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This story is going to sound very familiar: A supposedly really nice famous guy cheats on his beautiful and classy and loyal wife. People are appalled – nay, shocked! – that he could do such a thing. Just wait, though, because this story is going to get much better (or much worse, depending on how you look at it). This wasn’t the first time this happened to this television reality guy. Expect more girls to come crawling out of the woodwork within the next few of days. And, just like in the case of that famous athlete, they will be the exact opposite of his wife. For example, there’s definitely more than one p*rn star in the mix. Don’t feel too sorry for his actress wife, though. She knew exactly what she was getting when she married him. She was not exactly blind-sided by the news. She just never thought he would embarrass her so publicly. Oh, and it won’t matter how many times he apologizes. He’s a dead man.
Even Helen Keller can see this ****.
Obviously it's Jesse James and Sandra Bullock. He was even married to a p*rn star at one point.

edit: Just wikipedia'd Jesse and he apparently had a reality show called "Jesse James is a Dead Man" hahah.. guess that solves that.
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is that an old blind item? if not it's not really a blind item - it is more than obvious that it is Sandra Bullock and her hubby

anyway I have a new one:


#1 - To me, this one was a little heartbreaking to hear. This once troubled actor who has peaked and valleyed between A and C list his entire career depending on his drug use was thought to be clean and enjoying some big success once again. However, it is just that success that may have caused his most recent slip. Oh, he slipped alright. Twice is what I hear. Separate nights. The question is going to be whether it was truly just a slip or if this is going to be another long, twisted spiral downward.

#2 - What mullet haired singer cheated on his current wife and ex-wife with both males and females?

*1 Robert Downey Jr. ?
*2 no idea
for the second one Billy Ray Cyrus came into mind because of his "Achey Breaky Heart" days :rofl:

shouldnt be hard to figure that out though right?
how many male singers have mullets these days ? :lol:
2) “This (ditzy) movie A-List actress smoked so much p*t in her honey wagon on the set of one of her films that the company that rented the trailer had to rip all the carpet out and repaper the walls. They demanded that the studio collect the money from the actress, but the studio is nervous about p*ssing her off because for some inextricable reason she still brings seats into the theaters, so they put the responsibility back on the rental company. They say it’s up to the rental company to collect the money and now the jilted business is threatening to out the actress’ little habit. Not Charlize Theron.”
BuzzFoto – She’s a big name in Hollywood, though we’re not sure we’d call her an A-List actress. She is aging and going to great limits to turn back time. Two of the craziest things we have heard she is doing to slow down the aging process are drinking her own urine and eating human placenta. Is that even legal? Not Catherine Zeta Jones.SOLVED!
It’s Nicole Kidman!


^:lol: I don't believe it, but it says a lot about Kidman that this kind of stuff could be made-up about her and not sound like total fiction.

Anyway, just to humor the blind's author for a while: drinking own urine isn't particularly unhealthy or dangerous as urine is sterile but the nutrient pay-off is very low if not null, since it's mostly body rejection. I can't see how that would help keep anyone young.

Human placenta would make more sense as a rejuvenation procedure since it's full of stem cells but it would be better to have it injected directly unto the skin rather than eating it (although it would make a very nutritious meal :lol:). The disease transmission risk would be too high anyway. It's better to use sheep placenta.
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I agree with Harumi above - it's so ridiculous to say 'we've proved it's Nicole Kidman!' unless they have pictures of her mid-act, I have zero faith this is true.
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