Thoughts on the premier episode, so if you haven't seen it... be ware of spoilers.
LMAO Ari. Aw, too bad about her. I'd love to see her stick around to see what kind of crazy she could do each week. Nobel peace price, haha. Oh, what a character. And how ironic that she's a total Sam Ronson look alike, with Lohan being a judge and all. I think Qristyl should've been eliminated. Her dress was just awful. Plus, unlike Ari's, it wasn't even a bit interesting. I don't even know what Michell was doing, but I'm kinda curious about him. Hopefully he'll show something better in the future.
As for the three winning designers... um, WHAT? I'd only agree with Ra'mon being up there. I guess Christopher's wasn't bad either. I liked the black part, but the ruffles totally killed the dress for me. If he had done something simple on the bottom, it would've been a winner. And I have no clue why Johnny was up there. That dress was neither pretty, nor done well. I don't understand what the judges saw there, because nobody would ever make a Best Dressed list in that potato sack. I thought Carol, Shirin or Irina would've been better choices for top three.