Project Runway Season 8

Today was the Project Runway show in NYFW!
Don't want to see any photo yet, but, who are the finalist????
Today was the Project Runway show in NYFW!
Don't want to see any photo yet, but, who are the finalist????

I think they did the usual. Every designer we saw tonight on the show showed their collection to prevent exposing who the finalist are.

About tonights episode. Mondo and Michael C are awesome.
I like Gretchen. I hope she is one of the finalists. Don't care too much for either Ivy or Michael C. Both are extremely catty and petty.

It was too bad that Casanova went home today. He was fun to watch. Not much of a designer, but a great character. It gets so tense sometimes and I think Casanova gave viewers something to laugh about. The other designers seem to like him as a person.
Yeah, sad to see Casanova go as it was fun watching him. Still, I'm glad Ivy stayed. I like her. Her look was terrible, but it wasn't all her fault. Michael couldn't do what she wanted him to and she was left with nothing. I really didn't see her "throw him under the bus" as the judges made it sound, she just tried to explain herself away. It was the truth that his lack of skill contributed to the poor outcome. True, part of it also was her lack of imagination.

SOOOO happy April won. I love her. Her look was awesome too. Glad Andy didn't win. Though the bathing suit was fine, it was too commercial for my taste.
It was sad to see Casanova go. At first he annoyed me but throughout the season I really started to like him and his broken English. He made the show funny. I wish Ivy had left, her clothes so far have been awful and she is a b*tch, actually all the girls exceot April are catty and annoying. I love April's designs. I'm so glad she won this week.
blah just watched the episode.

totally sad Casanova left. I'm kind of glad they gave him a little tribute. Showed that he was a favorite at Project Runway.

I think Ivy is very lucky. Yes, Michael D really couldn't contribute to her vision which totally sucked for her. (Don't you love how Michael D is the new Michael C for this episode!?) But she was to blame since she picked the fabric. Still sucks that she had to dumb down her design a couple of times.

Next week's episode looks really good!
I didn't think Ivy should've "dumb" down her design in the end she was almost eliminated because of it. I think she found it nearly impossible to trust Michael D and that was her downfall.

I'll miss Casanova for sure. But I still feel like Ivy's outfit was the worst this week.

Mondo's was pretty bad the bathing suit and the jacket wasn't his best moment. I didn't like it. It was playful yes and looked way too young.

I really loved April's look.
Peachs, Casanova, i'm so sad, he has his latin sparkle, i'll miss him, but really, why the latins are so granny? CH, Oscar de la Renta, come on!
Ivy, such a b*tch with capital B. Michael C, mmm, i don't hate him that much.
The Jackie challenge will be great!!
pd: I'v never heard so often "throw under the bus" lol
Ivy should have never dumb down her design cause I think that ultimately if Michael D didn´t finish it on time the judges would have understood it was his lack of skills and not Ivy´s lack of vision...

The way Valerie talks annoys me to death! LOL
Wow what did yall think of last night's episode?!

The judges were so hardcore!
Wow what did yall think of last night's episode?!

The judges were so hardcore!

And I loved every second of it, especially to Andy. All this talk about how Michael C construction skills aren't great, and then he delivers that? And it still didn't seem liked he understood his mistakes after he was safe.

Thank you Gretchen. When the judges declared Mondo the winner, I still wasn't convinced. I needed your stamp of approval before I could be satisfied with the winner. :rolleyes:
Yeah! I think they were way to harsh on Andy's design. I know it was not the best. the judges seemed to be hard on everyone in that episode. Mondo's cleary was the winner, his was the best.
You guys need to stop hating on Ivy and Gretchen, they're fierce and I love them.

I didn't mind Mondo winning, but I would've given it to Ivy. Hers was so chic and elegant and timeless. I loved that white top she did, the neck line was gorgeous. Mondo's was a bit dated to be quite honest. For the third one in the top three, I would've picked April. Though Christopher's dress was ok, that fur scarf/coat was just WTF???

Kinda sad Michael D got eliminated, I didn't hate his look at all tbh. It may not have been totally appropriate for the challenge, but it was more appropriate than Andy's. Plus, the look wasn't that bad. I don't know why they hated that skirt so much, it was kind of fun. And that jacket was straight up nice. Andy should've been eliminated. His look was not only poorly made, it completely missed the mark as to what the challenge required. Glad Valerie stayed, I like her.

Michael C can go... you know where. Hate him.
Andy was lucky this week. I felt like he deserved to go home. The outfit was the worst from the bunch and most importantly he made something he would wear and not something Jackie O would wear.

Mondo was the clear winner and I love the outfit and Ivy was the distant second. I didn't like the jacket. It felt too forced and overworked although I love the fabric and color.
The Jackie challenge was a disaster!!!
I really like Mondo looks, it was great for me.
Ivy, she is a totally b*tch, but she has talent, like Gretchen said, don't know if she is a good designer, but with no doubt, she is an excellent tailori.
Michael D, such a pity. I think that Valerie is in a very dangerous position, Nina doesn't stand her.
Ah!, January can't be so beautiful.
The next episode mmmmm drama!!!!
I didn't mind Mondo winning, but I would've given it to Ivy. Hers was so chic and elegant and timeless.

That jacket of hers was atrocious. It looked like someone ripped holes in it.
I loved Mondos look. It was to perfect for the challenge and you knew that he designed it. I'm sorry but I did not like Ivys look at all. The jacket was ugly and had a "boob hole" like Heidi said. Her looks week after week look so boring. She can make clothes well but she can't design them very well. Poor Andy, His pants were badly made but I understand why he loved them. If that was a different challenge and the pants were made better it could of been a good look. Grethchen I still hate her and her clothes are something for my grandmother. Alot of the designers are making the clothes look very old this year. I liked Michael D and I thought Valerie should of went home instead.
What a terrible week for designs this was. I didn't like a single 'couture' look. And I don't necessarily think the designers are to blame. I think it's the producers. The show is becoming less and less a designers competition (if it ever was one) and becoming more and more like a reality circus. Do we really need a "twist" in every episode? Sometimes I just want to see the designers get a good assignment have see them have sufficient amount of time to do as good a job on it as they can. But now it's like, "here's a twist, the avant garde gown you've just spent 3 days on also has to fit this poodle, and the skirt must also serve as a mattress." Just totally unnecessary.

Anyway, back to this week's episode. All the designs were terrible, including the winning design by Mondo. I guess if anyone had to win, it may as well have been him, but his gown was pretty atrocious too. His other look was pretty chic though. Still, I'm getting sick of his one trick pony designs. Same with Gretchen tbqh. I'm over the whole boho/kimono/etc look she always puts out. Actually I just realized I don't think I like anybody anymore, because they're all one trick pony, April too, and the rest of them.

I liked Ivy but both her looks were really tragic so she deserved to go. Valerie would've been a fine option to go too but I think she has more potential than Ivy.

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