The judges are becoming more and more delusional in their judging sessions. At times, like tonight, it feels like they pre-determine who will be in top and bottom before even seeing the looks. Either that, or they really have no idea what they're talking about. Or at the very least, their definition and idea of what's fashionable is so rigid and narrow that any risk whatsoever automatically draws fire from them. Worst of all, they are so inconsistent with their critique. They will pound on someone for something, then they will either completely overlook the same thing in another designer, or they will even praise it.
When they first called out the top/bottom 6 I thought for sure Laura, Josh and Victor would be on top, while Bert, Anya and Anthony would be on bottom. How wrong was I. Well, I got two in each group right. I agree with them that Josh's fabric in the second look was awful, but I loved his blouse/pants combo. It was cool. I also liked Laura's combination of patterns in her look and the jumpsuit, although simple, was chic and well made. On the other hand, the only thing Anya had going for her was the fabric of her jumpsuit, which was gorgeous. Yeah, the other look was impressive when you consider it was made for 11 dollars, but on its own, it was drab, boring and terrible. I don't even know where to begin with Bert's golden disco dancer look with a removable skirt. I mean, WHAT? The other dress was cute, but if they were going to complain about Laura's jumpsuit not being showy enough for a website, how is Bert's nightgown going to shine?
So frustrating.