Project Runway Season 9

I didn't agree with the judges decision, either. So unfair! Kimberly's outfit was awful and overall I think Olivier was a better designer...
Thank god Oliver went home. It's about freaking time! I'm sorry but I never liked his designs. Especially his little rants about not using a model's form and using real people. Such a turn off. Hopefully Project Runway taught him how to use his time wisely.
I don't like it when designers whine about making clothing for average size bodies. This seems like a trend for contestants whenever they have to work with non-model figures. It's slightly annoying. Anyway I'm not surprised with this week's elimination. You could tell by the editing. Plus Kimberly's work have been more consistent than Oliver's and Oliver made menswear. This should be his challenge and win because he could've showcased something he's well-versed in.

He was rude throughout this episode. He looked distraught when the band first performed a song. :lol:

This was a bad start. He clearly wasn't enthusiastic from the very beginning and it showed.
I think Olivier would have been better off not having been on Project Runway. He has a very specific aesthetic that doesn't really work well around such varied challenges. I think Olivier tried his best with this challenge. You could see he tried to put his own "spin" on the hippie band look, but mixing his aesthetic with a hippie look was just a trainwreck waiting to happen.

Top 3 (prediction)

Victor, Anya, ...Josh? (Heaven forbid!)
The Cut Blog thinks the final three are: (I'M PUTTING IT IN WHITE BECAUSE THIS COULD BE A POSSIBLE SPOILER. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!)Anthony Ryan, Anya, and Laura because they noticed their collections were heavily accessorized more than the dummy collections to tie in Project Accessory (the spin off)

Please white out these names or refrain from mentioning them if you reply to this post. Just in case it turns out to be true. I don't wanna ruin it for anyone. :doh: :cry:
^Totally forgot about Anthony Ryan. Hopefully it'll be him instead of Josh :yuk:

And about Laura, she could've easily used her own accessories or even her own money. Remember her video? "You NEED a privileged white girl" :rolleyes:

I don't think what I'm saying is a spoiler, but I'll white stuff out just in case someone out there is ultra sensitive ^_^
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Olivier covering his ears when the band performed for the first time was unbelievable. I laughed so much. I'd do the same tho.
Oh Olivier, so fragile.

Altho that music was terrible, and I like that type of blue grass/folksy rock and roll sound.
Saddened that Olivier was sent home. No doubt he did poorly in the challenge, but I feel like the show did not give his talent justice. He's extremely minimalist and that has been the problem with this crazy challenges.

That's like asking Phoebe Philo to all of a suddenly design for Galliano.
i think oliver is probably my favorite designer of the bunch, but personality wise, he complained way too much and was a little bratty in his own way. he needs to realize that not all of his clients will be a size 2.

i also think he got sent home mainly because of the fact that he crashed and burned in a challenge that had his name on it. i think they gave kimberly an in because it's her first time ever doing menswear, so maybe they thought it would have been unfair for her to go home for a menswear challenge.

i really enjoyed this episode, mainly because i thought the guys were pretty cute, especially the drummer and that ryan guy. my one big complaint was that icky adam lambert. he is NOT a legitimate judge. he's not even a musician...he's a tacky pop karaoke singer at best. someone like anna sui or a menswear designer would have been a better guest judge.
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Oliver it's cute and a good designer BUT he complains toooo much, times issues, very VERY boring with colors and with prints, can't work directly with the clients, talent isn't enough in this reallity (and in the industrie)
i think oliver is probably my favorite designer of the bunch, but personality wise, he complained way too much and was a little bratty in his own way. he needs to realize that not all of his clients will be a size 2.

i also think he got sent home mainly because of the fact that he crashed and burned in a challenge that had his name on it. i think they gave kimberly an in because it's her first time ever doing menswear, so maybe they thought it would have been unfair for her to go home for a menswear challenge.

*waves hand in clockwise motion* ALL of this! I love Olivier I really do, and I was hoping that he'd make it to the final's but ep after ep it was the same thing, time management issues, client is bigger than the dress form, client keeps talking, client is breathing. As much as I love Kimberly, her look was horrid but as menswear is supposed to be Olivier's forte he failed.

That said I would LOVE to see work outside of Project Runway!
*waves hand in clockwise motion* ALL of this! I love Olivier I really do, and I was hoping that he'd make it to the final's but ep after ep it was the same thing, time management issues, client is bigger than the dress form, client keeps talking, client is breathing. As much as I love Kimberly, her look was horrid but as menswear is supposed to be Olivier's forte he failed.

That said I would LOVE to see work outside of Project Runway!

The judges are becoming more and more delusional in their judging sessions. At times, like tonight, it feels like they pre-determine who will be in top and bottom before even seeing the looks. Either that, or they really have no idea what they're talking about. Or at the very least, their definition and idea of what's fashionable is so rigid and narrow that any risk whatsoever automatically draws fire from them. Worst of all, they are so inconsistent with their critique. They will pound on someone for something, then they will either completely overlook the same thing in another designer, or they will even praise it.

When they first called out the top/bottom 6 I thought for sure Laura, Josh and Victor would be on top, while Bert, Anya and Anthony would be on bottom. How wrong was I. Well, I got two in each group right. I agree with them that Josh's fabric in the second look was awful, but I loved his blouse/pants combo. It was cool. I also liked Laura's combination of patterns in her look and the jumpsuit, although simple, was chic and well made. On the other hand, the only thing Anya had going for her was the fabric of her jumpsuit, which was gorgeous. Yeah, the other look was impressive when you consider it was made for 11 dollars, but on its own, it was drab, boring and terrible. I don't even know where to begin with Bert's golden disco dancer look with a removable skirt. I mean, WHAT? The other dress was cute, but if they were going to complain about Laura's jumpsuit not being showy enough for a website, how is Bert's nightgown going to shine?

So frustrating.

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