wow i was kind of expecting this thread to blow up with glee given the latest elimination...
I'm kind of bummed about it. I just think Laura's work is so tasteless. Bert's isn't always well-executed (I don't mean in terms of construction, but in terms of his ability to turn a good sketch into a good outfit), but at least he has taste. On the other hand, Laura is so clueless that it's funny. I love the interviews where she rags on everyone's outfits and they end up above her at judging. Ha.
I did think it was nice that Bert and Josh seem to be getting along so well in the aftershow thing they did, so the designers seem to have buried whatever hatchets there were for the most part.
Speaking of which, I really, really do not like Josh, but I thought it was beyond shady that they brought Laura Bennett out to essentially do nothing but poke the crazy person with a stick.
but she's given fabric away before and it screwed her over, so i am guessing she is learning from experience. Has Josh even helped her? I just remember him always commenting on the fact that people have helped her. Josh is a conniving queen anyway trying to start drama and make us believe Anya is some mastermind villain with a plan.
I think he gave her the idea to dye something early on in one of the challenges, and I remember reading somewhere that a lot of them gave Anya advice on simple things like how to cut sleeves or tricks for getting the models into and out of clothes without taking apart the garment.
There are two good approaches when it comes to helping competitors. You could do like Viktor and refuse to give anyone any help. Yeah, it made him look bitchy at times to not help a competitor, but it's a competition. At least he wasn't playing favorites. The other way would be what Bert seemed to be doing at the end, indiscriminately giving advice to everyone who asked.
There's nothing really wrong with doing what Anya did -- accepting help and helping people for a little while and then stopping -- as far as the competition goes, but it's going to lead to hurt feelings.